Special POV ¤Jason¤

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I watched as Krystal entered the classroom. She looked like she was sick and her eyes glanced over me as she sat in her seat.

I continued to watch her.

She looked like she was trembling and she closed her eyes. Something was wrong. This morning Eli seemed upset with her and he pulled me away before I could talk to her. They both arrived to school at the same time again today. I wonder if he gave her a ride and they got into another argument? Krystal suddenly pulled out a paper and pen and began to write furiously. When she finished she just stared at the paper. Yes. Something is definitely going on.

Simon who sat beside me elbowed me in the side and I turned forward to face the front of the class. Some of the other kids where looking at me. So engrossed in what was wrong with Krystal I didn't even realize everyone could see me looking back at her.

Krystal is a mystery that I can't figure out. Though I know her secrets I feel like there is more too it.

As the day wore on and Eli studiously avoided Krystal I started to worry more. She didn't attempt to seek us out and stayed to herself. She barely spoke and didn't seem to be concentratin on her school work either. At lucnch she was absent from her usual table. I was finally able to catch up to her in physed. She walked the track listlessly. "Krystal." I said calling out her name. She looked at me before looking away. She picked up her pace as I frowned. She went over to the teacher and spoke with him before disappearing back insdie the school.

"Mr. Byung is Krystal ok?" I asked once I reached his side.

"I sent her to the nurse. She said she isn't feeling well. She looked pale like she'd faint at any moment." He told me. I thanked Mr.Byung and joined Eli on the other side of the field.

"What happened between you and Krystal?" I asked immediately.

"Why? What did she tell you?" He asked without answering my question.

"She didn't tell me anything because she's avoiding me. Now tell me." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

He sighed and sat down on the grass crossing his legs. "I don't know. I just got unreasonablely mad at her. She wouldn't tell me the truth and that pissed me off." He said.

"The truth about what?" Did Eli somehow find out about her? Did he question her about how she found Tiffany's body?

"This morning at her house she got a package, a envolpe with pictures or something in it. It freaked her out I could tell. But when I asked her about it she just kept insisting that it was nothing."

What could it be? Something more to do with Tiffany? Just thinking her name had a jolt of pain shooting through my chest. Happy, ambitous, and beautiful Tiffany. Every night I dream about her body just laying there. It fills me with so much pain and anger. If I ever get my hands on the sick fuck who did that to her I am going to kill him.

"Do you think Krystal is ok? She looked off when she came into class earlier. Do you think she's upset because I was mad at her?" Eli asked looking at me with real concearn. "Even though I'm mad I should just forgive her. She's so alone. Her dads never there, she doesn't have her sister anymore."

Seeing Eli so concearned about someone else who wasn't me or Tiffany shocked me. The fact that its Krystal made me feel strange. It didn't take a genius to figure I was jealous. I have feelings for Krystal and I want to be there for her and take care of her. So hearing another guy worrying about her bothers me. Even if that other guy is my best friend.

"I'm sure she's fine." I said lying.

I felt like a stalker. Is it really stalking though if you just want to protect the other person?

I was conflicted as I sat in the back of my chuffered car that was in the process of following Krystal. She was still on the bus and she wasn't headed home. She hadn't gotten off her stop which was five stops ago.

The bus stopped again and this time I could see Krystal exiting. "I'll call you." I told our families driver as I got out. I had a since of dejavu. Of the day I followed her on the train and we ended up finding Tiffany. Would this time be the same? Would another body be at the end of this journey also?

Suprisingly Krsytal entered a autobody shop. She walked around looking at things. Touching things. A man who was probably was the owner came over and talked to her briefly before going back behind the counter. She continued her seeming nonchalant browsing. As she did this another customer came inside, it was a man who looked strangely familiar. He went straight over to Krystal and began to talk to her. Did she know him? Was she meeting him here? I hated not knowing what was going on with her. I felt like we got closer when she told me her secret. I was the only one she entrusted with it and that made me feel special. But now she's shutting me out and I don't know why. But I suspected it had something to do with whatever it was she received this morning. I wasn't going to let her shut me out anymore though.

I want answers and I am going to get them.

Authors Note

This happened a little before the events in chapter nine. Jason followed Krystal after she left school to follow the lead of the business card of the auto body shop. If you're confused or have any questions leave a comment.

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