-Blooming Iris Chapter 30-

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 Iris’ Pov~

For the past two months, Molly has been going crazy with this wedding stuff. She’d been on the phone from eight in the morning to midnight, calling shop to shop.

One time, I was getting a drink, and I overheard her talking to the flower shop.

“No! It needs to be white and pink. Not white and red!” she yelled, screaming into the phone. “What do you not understand?” she asked, slamming her hand against the wooden table.

Her eyebrows rose, as her eyes cut. “What!? There’s no more?”

After she waited for the other person on the line to response, she said, “Then plant some! I need pink, otherwise it will ruin the whole wedding!”

I rolled my eyes at her. What’s the difference between pink and red? It’s not like a simple color will ruin her wedding. So far, I have only seen her planning the wedding. Richard was not part of the whole decision making progress at all.

Since he decided to accept the wedding, he hasn’t been home at all. He hasn’t even called to check up on me like he did before. Which hurts. He couldn’t even say ‘hi’ anymore? What kind of person does that? And even worse, I get to see the guy I lo-like get marry to another girl, who he doesn’t even like. Yeah, it’s heart breaking to watch. I’m not even sure why I was still even at this house. Maybe it was the fact that I still had a bit of hope left. Hope that Richard will change his mind and not marry her.

Plus, I still needed to figure out this whole ‘deal’ Molly has going on with Richard’s mother. That story that Richard told me seemed real, but I was still skeptical about it. I mean, if that was true, would why Molly said she will stop the plan when ‘someone’ says the magic words. That doesn’t make sense to me at all.

Sadly, I haven’t exactly caught her on the phone with his mother since the first time. She’s always on the phone, planning her wedding, and yelling at people. You would think she would get tired by now. I’m shock her voice is still intact.

“Iris?” Shane called. I'm not surprised that he came here earlier than the selected time. Even though his dad came back from his honeymoon a month ago, he still comes here everyday.

I looked up, seeing my pale face in the mirror. “Yeah?”

“Are you still getting ready?”

Glancing at my skinny jeans and a purple plaid shirt, I nodded. “Yeah, just about.” Giving the mirror once last look, I twisted the doorknob walking out.


“Done,” I answered, giving him a small smile. It was hard to smile now, but I try to. Especially in front of Shane. I didn’t want him to worry about me anymore than he does.

“You sure you want to do this?” he asked once more.

“I’m sure.” I’d gave this lots of thought, and for once, I was certain. I needed to get this done.

“Alright, let’s go.” He grabbed my hand, as I followed after him through the hall, and down the stairs.

Once we got to the living room, I saw Molly sitting there on the phone once again. Her eyes pierced us. She gave me a bright smile, though I could tell she was faking it. She then looked at Shane.


Shane just lowered his head at her.

She pouted, but give him a wink, exchanging some sort of code words with her faceless expression. He eyed her weirdly back. It was like they were talking telepathy.

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