-Blooming Iris Chapter 29-

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Iris' POV~

My blue eyes flickered closed once.

Two times.

Three times.

Richard wasn't going anywhere. He was still staring back at me with his charming smile and those gorgeous ocean blue eyes of his. He was really here . . . but why!? Didn't he say he was going to be in the office tonight again? And Molly is still here, well . . . somewhere around here. Where ever she was, let's just hope she doesn't appear out of no where and kiss Richard.

“Richard?” I asked, my voice laced with shock and bewilderment. “Why are you here?”

The corners of his lips lifted up into a grin. “To see you.”

Feeling something hot creak up my neck, I began to fidget. I was blushing. “What?” I asked dumbly, as I avoid eye contact. That couldn't have been the reason why he was here. Just to see me? Unlikely. There's something else to this.

“I'm here to see you Iris,” he repeated, taking a step towards me. “Now... what's this about 'seeing things'?” he probed, looking between Shane and I.

Shane rolled his eyes at Richard, sighing. “Nothing you need to worry about. I was just saying Iris eats a lot.”

Ignoring his eye roll, Richard began chuckling, throwing his head back in laughter. Seeing him laugh, made me smile. After a couple of seconds, he had his laughter under control. “That she is. She's an eating machine.”

I pouted, slapping his shoulder playfully. “Hey!” I yelled, crossing my arms. “I do not.”

Richard did an eye roll of his own, smiling. “Sure, you don't Iris.”

“I don't!” I might like food, but there's no way eating five plates of food automatically classify me as an 'eating machine'. My brother used to eat way more than me!

“Whatever you say Iris.” He laughed, patting my head.

Huffing, I stepped aside, going back to my chips. My chips won't make fun of me. They love me.

“So Richard, just why are you here?” Shane asked, raising an eyebrow at him. I guess he didn't believe Richard just like me.

Richard took his eyes from me and looked down at Shane. “I told you I'm here because of Iris.”

“Bull,” Shane snapped suddenly, surprising me a bit. “We all know that's not the reason why, so—”

Not faced by his outburst, Richard began talking, “Look, I came home because I miss seeing Iris everyday, okay?” Richard said, irritated, cutting him off. “And I'd been staying long nights at the office trying to find out where Molly came from, so don't blame me.”

“And, how's that going for you?” he asked. “Not so good am I right?”

He smirked, knowing Shane would ask this. “Actually... I know who sent her.”

That got me interested. My ears perked up as I listened closer, grabbing my plate full of chips. I watched them closely, bringing a handful of them into my mouth, crunching them softly with my teeth.

Shane's orbs widened for a fraction of a second before he composed himself. “Who?”

“My own mother.” His mother? Why doesn't that surprise me? Wait a minute... My eyes went wide. No way... that means that Molly was talking to Richard's mother earlier! She's the one with the plan. But why would she stop her so called 'plan' after 'someone' says the magic words? That doesn't make any sense to me.

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