Chapter Thirty Six

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*One Week Later*

Chelsea's POV

I wake up to my body shaking from the cold air. I scrabble to my feet and put my jacket on, instantly feeling warmer. I look around and see that the group is still asleep. But I see Rick leaning against a tree. I walk over to him and stand beside him.

"It's been over a week." Is the first thing he says.

"I know." I sigh. I've forced myself not to come to the conclusion that they are either dead or we'll never see them again. I don't want to think that way. I try to force myself not to, but I know that eventually...I will.

"I love her. I don't- I can't loose her. Not like this. Not at all. I'm going to go look again." He says and walks off. I sigh, knowing I won't be able to stop him.

He's been doing this every day. Again and again. Going out by himself, searching for Dani and Daryl. Searching for signs or clues that they were here. Or still alive. I've tried to stop him, tried to go with him, but he always has the same response. No. I look back at the group and see Violet with Autumn and Carl with Judith.

Everyone has finally and fully warmed up to Violet. She's proved to us that she knows what she's doing and she's really good at it too.

I slightly smile to myself and lean against the tree that Rick was leaning against.
By the time that everyone is up, Rick is still gone. And it's been a while since Rick left. I stand up and walk up to Abraham.

"Hey, can you take over? I've going to go find Rick." I explain.

"You got it, Chels." He nods and stands up. I give him a smile and walk off.

I keep my gun in my hands and listen carefully as I walk.

For the past few days, I've been watching over Violet. Her and Carl have become pretty close and I think that Violet might actually have a little crush on him. Which I find cute.

I hear, what seems to be something eating, in the distance. I load my gun and walk towards it. When I get closer, I realize that it's several walkers making a horse into a meal. I cringe and back away, but suddenly fall. I grunt when I hit the ground and quickly look at the walkers. About 10 to 15 of them noticed me and are now heading my way.

My eyes widen as I quickly get to my feet ignoring a pain in my back. I turn and begin running. I glance over my shoulder and see that they are still on my tail. I can't shoot, it'll only attract more. I don't want to lead them to where we're camping out, because we'll have to leave and Rick won't know where we went. I slightly groan and turn so I'm leading them in a different direction of the camp.

I dodge trees and duck under low limbs as I continue to run. My foot gets hung making me trip and fall. My knee is the first thing to hit the ground. I cry out in pain, but realize that I don't have time for this. I yank my foot out of the vines and stand up, now ignoring pain in both my back and knee and continue to run.

Danielle's POV

"I've been thinking." I start, but Daryl cuts in.

"Not sure if I want to know." He jokes and steps over a tree trunk. I do the same and catch up to him.

"Funny. Mr. Comedian. No, but seriously. When we find the group, you should take Autumn in as your own too."

"You confuse me."

"How so?"

"One minute, you're so confident that we'll find the group. The next, you don't have a flying clue if will."

"Gotta have some hope, right?"

"I guess so."

"What about you? Do you think we will?"

"Half and half, I guess." He shrugs.

I only nod. "So uh...when we find them. What are you going to do about Autumn?" I'm not letting him get out of this conversation.

"I guess I don't have much of a choice." He grumbles.

"You actually do. You can take her in as your own like Chels did, or you can straight up tell her and everyone that you don't want her to be like your own. You have a choice." He doesn't say anything.

"You got attached, didn't you?" I add.

He slightly nods. "I only held her once. But she's a cute baby. I'll take her as my own if we find them."

"When. When we find them." I smile. He nods.

That's when me and Carl's bet comes to mind. Daryl's attached to Autumn. Damn, now when we find them I have to give something up.

When we get back to the cabin, I stay outside. Daryl goes to open the door, but stops and turns around to face me.

"What are you doing?" Daryl asks.

"I'm going to keep walking. Won't go too far."

"Don't be gone too long." He demands.

"Yes sir, Mr. Dixon." I salute him. He slightly chuckles and walks inside. I smile to myself and walk past the cabin.

As I'm walking, I hear footsteps. I load my crossbow and raise it, looking around for anything and everything. I walk quietly and slowly, my crossbow still raised. I hear a gun load, making me whip around. But I don't see anything.

My heart rate quickens and I feel like it's going to beat out of my chest any second. My grip on my crossbow tightens dramatically as I become nervous.

"Dani?" I hear.

---Sorry it's short. I need someone to rant to. Anyone wanna volunteer as tribute? Lol, kidding. Unless ya really wanna. Whatever. Little bitchy whore pissed me off. Chelsea, you know who I'm talking about.

Sorry about that ^^^

anyway, hope you guys likes it. Short for the shortness. Apologies are given to the readers I love.

Till next time. ;)

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