Chapter Thirty Four

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Rick's POV

"They should've been back by now." Sasha speaks.

"What if they're in trouble?" Carl asks and all attention turns to me. Sometimes I wish they didn't, but I'll do anything to keep them alive.

"Glenn, Abraham, Rosita and Maggie. You four go out there and see if you and find them. Don't stay out too long after dark." I order. They all four nod and leave.

"What if they're bit?" Carl asks quietly.

"They won't be."

"You don't know that. They could both be dead." He sighs. I see hurt flash through Chelsea's eyes.

"Don't think like that. They'll be okay." I assure him.

"They're Dixon's. They have to be okay." I hear Chelsea mumble.


The door of the restaurant opens and Glenn, Abraham, Rosita and Maggie walk inside. But they don't have Dani or Daryl.

My stomach drops, knowing that there is a possibility that they are dead. I can't loose Danielle. I love her. I can't loose her. And Daryl. He's my brother. I don't want to loose my brother. I can't.

"Two hoards clearly met up met up after they left. Some are down alleyways and others crowding the streets." Maggie informs us.

"My guess is they were chased by the hoards and are far from here." Glenn sighs.

"Or they were bitten." I hear Carl mumble.

"Don't say that." Chelsea snaps. Carl shrugs. "We have to find them." She adds.

"We can't get around the hoards. If we go the way we came, we'll run into the other hoard." Abraham chimes in.

"There is a chance that we won't." Chelsea stands her ground.

I look out the window and see that it's now dark outside.

"Let's all get some sleep. We'll discuss this further in the morning." I speak. Everyone nods. Chelsea sighs and storms to the other side of the restaurant. I follow after her.

"You can't be serious. We have to find them." She harshly whispers.

"I know. And we will. But not tonight. It's a lot more dangerous at night. You know that."

"Then I'm going by myself." She says and starts to walk off. I grab her arm and force her to stand in front of me.

"No you're not. You're going to stay here. We'll make groups tomorrow to search for them."

"We're waiting time." She mumbles.

"Chels, I know that Dani is your best friend and your with Daryl. I get that. I love Dani more than anything and Daryl is my brother. I can't loose either one of them so I know what you're going through. We will find them. I promise. But we'll have to start tomorrow morning. Okay?" I say and look into her eyes. She nods. I nod my head once and walk over to Carl and Judith. I lay down beside them and close my eyes.

I hope I can keep that promise.


"Okay, first things first. Everyone stay safe. We'll have one group stay here while the other searches. When one group gets back, we'll all stay here for a few minutes then the next group begins there search. Got it?" I start. Everyone nods.

"With three gone, we'll need to re-think the groups." Sasha speaks up.

"Carl, Chelsea, Violet, Carol, Maggie and six stay with me. That leaves Abraham, Rosita, Tara, Eugene Michonne and Sasha on the other group. And of course, which ever group stays here... they keep Judith and Autumn. We'll leave first and come back at noon." I say. Everyone nods and we leave.

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