Chapter Twenty Three

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"I don't know." I sigh. "But I have to stay with them."

"What?! No, you're not going." Daryl scowls me.

"Then who will?! Cause y'all sure as hell can't! He'll kill y'all in a heartbeat and me too if his end of the deal isn't met by me and me only. What part of that don't you understand?!" I yell at them.

"It's too dangerous to go by yourself!" Michonne yells back.

"I'm not asking for fucking permission from anyone. I'm telling y'all that I'm going and that's what I'm going to fucking do, damn it!" I finally snap. "Y'all aren't the ones who was put in this fucked up position! I was the one who was told to be at their camp in two days with all my supplies and myself only! I was the one who wasn't with Chelsea! I was the one who told her to check that end of the store! If I was the one who checked that end, it would me at that damned camp instead of her! I got her into this situation and I'm going to be the one to get her out of it!" Everyone stares at me, clearly shocked by me yelling at all of them.

I take the silence at my chance to finish packing things to give to those guys. I glance over my shoulder and see everyone watching me. I roll my eyes and finish packing the things that I'm willing to give them. Well not completely willing, but it's the things that we will still have plenty of. I look around and think maybe we have an extra gun. I don't see one so I put mine in instead.

"You're going to need that. You can't give it to them." Eugene says as everyone watches me. I turn around and send a glare his way.

"I'm not asking for permission." I growl and zip my bag up. I head for the door and as soon as I'm about to push the doors open, someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see Rick.

"If you're not going to let any of us go..." He trails and sighs. "Promise me you'll be careful and stay safe." I can't promise that.

"I'll try."

"No, Danielle. I want you to be completely safe."

"Rick, I don't even know if I'm coming back. How can I promise you that I'll be safe and careful?"

"We'll come get you if you don't."

"Rick, he'll kill y'all. I don't know how many men he has. I don't know how big there camp is. What if y'all aren't safe by going to get me?"

"We'll be fine, Dani." He assures me. I sigh and look down at the ground then back up at him.

"I can't risk y'all getting hurt because of me." I sigh and realize that I wouldn't be able to stand it if I lost them again. Even though the first time I chose to leave. "I'll try my best to get away. Okay?" I add. He nods and grabs my hands. I smile and kiss his lips quickly.

"When are you going to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning. I'll probably be gone before any of y'all get up." I tell him. He nods again but with a sigh.

I really hope I'll be able to get away somehow or another.

After a while, I realize that Austin isn't anywhere in the skating rink. I furrow my eyebrows and look around at everyone.

"Where's Austin?" I ask.

"Me and Daryl took him to town and killed him." Glenn explains. I let the information sink in before nodding. He's gone. I'll no longer he harassed by him. I very small and unnoticeable smile makes it way to my face.

I know it's bad to be happy about someone's death, but Austin was a complete ass. And everyone here knows it.

I glance outside and see that it's now pitch black outside. I sigh and walk over to were I sleep. I lay down and stare at the ceiling. Very little lighting from the candles and lanterns are visible on the ceiling.

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