Chapter Twenty Two

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Daryl's POV

I look across the room and see Glenn reloading his gun and getting his knife together. I've already got everything I need, so I'm just waiting on him to be ready before we take Austin. Glenn walks up to me and nods.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yep. Get Austin and I'll be by the doors." I say and Glenn nods before walking off.

Here we go.

Chelsea's POV

I secure my bag over my shoulder and look over at Danielle. Me and her are looking through town to search the stores that she didn't get to.

"Was Austin with you yesterday while you were gone?" I ask.

"Yeah. For a little while. He apologized and said that I reminded him of his ex who broke up with him. He apparently really loved her and never meant to hurt me."

"Do you believe him?" I ask hoping to everything that she don't.

"No. It's all bullshit to me." She grumbles.

"Good. He seriously needs to leave. Or be kicked out." I sigh.

"Or die. I wouldn't mind if he died." Danielle mutters. I chuckle slightly at her.

"We'll aren't you just a ray of sunshine." I tease. She smiles. "You're so blunt sometimes." I add.

"Very. Come on." She says and turns towards a small gun shop. She readies her crossbow, loading an arrow in it. I get my knife out and sty behind her. She tries to open the door but it's locked.

"What now?" I ask.

"We can't break the window because of the alarm. Uh..." She trails then looks back at me. "Do you have a bobby pin?"

"Yeah. I always do."

"Give it here." She says. I sigh and pull the bobby pin out of my hair before handing it to Danielle. She smiles and bends down, slinging her crossbow over her shoulders. She begins to pick the lock on the door.

When she finally gets the door open the stands up and motions for me to be quiet.

"I know what I'm doing." I say.

"Shut up and help me look around." She grumbles. I smile and nod even though she can't see me. I look through one end of the store while she looks through the other end.

I round a corner in the store with my knife ready and look around cautiously. I don't see anything, which is good. A hand suddenly covers my mouth but I know it's not Dani.

I scream but it's muffled and manage to knock a vase off the counter. It breaks and I hope Danielle heard it.

"You shouldn't have done that." A man whispers harshly in my ear. His accent told me that he was more southern than anyone I know.

"Chelsea?!" Danielle yells and I hear her running. Whoever has held me hostage picks me up and runs through the back door. The man removes his hand and throws me over his shoulder. I try to get loose but he tightens his grip on me.

"Danielle! Help me!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes. I see a man standing at the door of the gun shop. I swear if he hurts Dani. The guy looks back at me and whoever has kidnapped me.

Tons of tattoos. Gages. Smoking. Spider tattoo under left eye. Ugly as hell.

I see Danielle but the guy at the doors stops her from running towards me. The further we get away from the gun shop, the more worried I get.

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