Chapter Four

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I walk through the woods trying to find my way back to everyone.

"Daryl?!" I call and get no answer.

"Rick?! Carl?! Michonne?! Glenn?!" I try again and still get no answer.

"Danielle?!" I hear. My eyes widen and I look around trying to find out who was calling my name.

"Danielle? Where are you?" They yell and I hear there footsteps getting closer. That's when I realize the voice belongs to Rick.

"Rick! Where are you?!" I yell back. I don't get an answer. I look behind me and notice a walker literally inches from my face. I scream and try to back up but fall. The walker trips over my foot and falls on top of me. I keep the walker at a safe distance from me so I don't get bite while I look for something I could kill this thing with. But I don't have my knife. Or gun. I internally groan and look for a stick or rock or something I could possibly use. But I see nothing.

"Rick! Help me!" I yell and hear running. Hoping to everything on the earth that it isn't more walkers coming towards me, I shut my eyes tightly and feel a panic attack surfacing. I feel the walker above me go limp making me quickly push it off me and open my eyes.

"Danielle? Are you okay?" I hear. I look up and see Rick standing by me. He helps me up and pulls me to him. I lay my head on his chest as I begin to calm down. For once, I don't have a panic attack and thank God. I hate having panic attacks.

I begin crying and feel Rick's hands rubbing my back.

"Hey, look at me." He says just above a whisper. I do as I'm told and his hands automatically cup my checks to wipe away the tears that were falling.

"It's okay. There's no need to worry now." He says and presses his forehead against mine. I smile weakly and look into his eyes. His eyes flicker between my eyes and lips before he presses his lips into mine. I smile a little and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands move to my waist and he pulls me closer to him.

"Danielle." I hear. I pull away from Rick and look around.

"Danielle, wake up." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Danielle, wake up." I feel someone shaking me. I sigh and open my eyes. Oh. It was only a dream.

I glance around and see that we are at some pretty tall walls. But I could barely see them considering my vision was blurry. Daryl is still carrying me.

"We're here." Daryl says.

"I can walk now." I mumble.

"I'll carry you inside and to a house. Then you can walk by yourself." He assures me. I grumble a few comments under my breath making Daryl chuckle.

"What are we going to do if there are dozens of walkers inside?" Abraham speaks up. Oh. That's a good question.

"If there is only a few, we can take 'em. If its more than we can take, we shut the gates and camp out here then move on." Rick says.

"You're going to need to help. I'll stay here with her." Carol says to Daryl.

"No, I got her." Daryl protests.

"Daryl, I'm fine." I assure him. He looks at me and I can tell he's debating with himself to leave me with Carol or ignore the offer and continue carrying me.

"Whatever." He mumbles and sets me down. Carol helps me stand as Daryl walks off.

"What's up with him? He's never been like this. This isn't the brother I remember." I say to Carol.

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