Chapter Twelve

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I stare up at the man who shot me. He has this look to him that I don't find welcoming.

"Are you okay?" He asks. He's got to be kidding me.

"Oh yeah, sure. Other than the fact that, oh I don't know... YOU JUST SHOT ME!" I yell at him. He looks around, panicked then back at me.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were a walker." He explains.

"Good thing you shot me in my leg. Now leave me alone." I say. He sighs.

"I'm Austin."

"I'm shot. Now leave."

"I know you are and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. At least let me help you up." He insists. I sigh and grab his hand. He pulls me up and steadies me. I wince in pain and feel tears begin to form in my eyes.

"Danielle." I say. He smiles at me and nods. I try to walk, but my legs hurts too much. I know what I'm about to do is risky, but I can't do this alone.

"Can you help me to where I'm staying?" I ask Austin.

"Sure." He tells me and puts his arm around my shoulders. I do the same and hop on one leg, all the way back to the lodge. Thankfully, we didn't come upon any walkers.

We stop at the gates and I look at Austin.

"I would leave before someone opens the gate. The leader, Rick, won't let you leave if you stay. And he and the other guys will give you hell until they find out everything they want to know. I would leave." I inform him.

"Thanks for the warning." He smiles.

"I hope you rot in hell for shooing me, but thanks for helping me. I appreciate it." I smile back.

He chuckles, "You're welcome."

Austin disappears into the trees before I knock on the gate. After waiting a minute or two, the gate opens and Abraham immediately spots my leg.

"Holy hell! What happened?" He asks and helps me inside. He shuts and locks the gate before helping me walk.

"I was shot."

"By who?"

"I don't know. They ran off before I could see what they looked like." I lie. He nods and brings me to the group. When Rick sees me, he runs over to me.

"Who did this?" He asks.

"I don't know." I lie again. Chelsea runs over and looks at my leg.

"Damn. Good thing I went to medical school. Come on." She says. Yeah. It is a good thing. Rosita runs over and helps Chelsea bring me to my lodge.

I lay down on the bed and attempt to get my jeans off.

"She's loosing a lot of blood and I have nothing to take blood from someone else and give it to her." Chelsea sighs.

"Get Glenn." I start and wince in pain. "Glenn and Daryl to go to down the road and get the stuff you need." I finish.

"You go with them so they don't get the wrong things. I'll stay with her." Rosita says. Chelsea nods and rushes out of the room.

Shit this hurts.

Rosita feels of my forehead before sighing. She stands up and walks to the bathroom before coming back with a wet wash cloth. She places it on my forehead and sits on the bed.

"So, what's it feel like to be shot?" She asks.

I chuckle, "Like hell." She snickers and takes my jeans before ripping one of the legs off. She wraps it tightly around my leg.

"Damn." I sigh.


"I need another pair of jeans now." I laugh. Funny how I can try to joke around while I'm shot. Might as well try to forget about the pain that I'm experiencing.

Rick, Lyndon and Carl rush into the room and stand near the bed.

"You okay?" Rick asks and holds my hand.

"No." I say and move my leg. I groan in pain and clinch my jaw.

"They'll be back and everything will be okay." He assures me. I nod and look at Lyndon. He is clearly worried about me, so I give him a reassuring smile which makes him relax a little.

Carl looks worried too, but when he sees me smile at Lyndon, I can tell that he then knew everything would be okay.

I have faith in Chelsea and I know she'll come back in time. She'll help me and then I'll be okay in a few days or so. At least be able to walk around in a few days or so.


After a while of waiting, I begin to get tired and really weak. Rick is laying by my side while Rosita sits on the edge of the bed. Lyndon and Carl left and now I'm starting to get worried.

Where the hell is Chelsea, Daryl and Glenn? What if they don't come back? What will happen to me?

"Hey, don't start." Rick says. I didn't realize it until he said something, but my breathing was starting to quicken. He presses his lips to mine and I instantly calm down.

I pull away and sigh. Tears form in my eyes before I bury my face into his chest.

"Will they come back?" I ask like a little kid.

"They're coming. They'll be back." He assures me and kisses the top of my head.

Tears begin falling down my checks making Rick pull me closer to him. But he makes sure not to hurt my leg.

I sigh and hope for the best.

---hello! So, kind of a short chapter. Kind of. Sorry this took so long. I would have updated sooner, but I promised three chapters and needed more time to write three. I hope y'all like it, and I kind of left y'all on a cliffhanger. Kind of. Anyway, love you all.---

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