Chapter Three

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Danielle's POV

After a while of walking, we stop and decide to camp out for the night under an overpass. I lean against the concrete wall and watch everyone get comfortable. Daryl helps make a fire since it starting to get a little cold at night. And of course, I don't have a jacket or anything. But I've gone this long without a jacket, I'm sure I'll be perfectly fine.

I didn't realize it until he cleared his throat, but Rick is now sitting beside me. I glance over and smile at him.

"You're not cold?" He asks.

"Eh, I've gone this long without a jacket. I'm fine." I say just as a bone chilling breeze blows through. I hold in a shiver, but slightly fail. My body slightly shivers making Rick chuckle.

"Yeah, you're fine. Here." He says and takes off his jacket. I sigh and glare at him.

"I have another jacket over there." He says and nods to where the others are while handing me his slightly thick grey jacket. I smile a little and take the jacket from him. I slip the jacket on and immediately feel warmer.

"Thanks." I mumble. He nods with a smile.

"Did Daryl tell you what happened before Merle died?" Rick asks, only glancing at me for a second.

"No. He only told me how he died. What happened?"

"When I first met him, he came off as an asshole. He started a fight with one of the members who isn't with us now and I handcuffed him to the roof of a building. I gave T-Dog, the guy who Merle fought, the key to the handcuffs and told him to unlock them and let Merle go before I went to go get the van. He dropped the key while I was gone and left Merle stranded." Rick explains.

"Couldn't he have just picked the key up?" I ask, getting slightly angry.

"He dropped it down the drain on the roof. We went back to find him and he wasn't on the roof. He apparently cut his own hand off to escape." Rick finishes. I bit the inside of my cheek and sigh.

"Okay." I mumble.

"I don't mean to upset you, I just thought you needed to know." Rick says and turns a little to face me. I take a deep breath and nod.

"I know. It's okay. I'm not mad with you. I just...wish I was there. Maybe I could have helped him." I sigh.

"There's nothing you could have done. There's nothing any of us could have done." I only shrug in response. Rick rubs my back, making me smile. I lean against him making him wrap his arm around my shoulders. Laying my head on his chest, I listen to his heartbeat while we sit in silence.

Daryl's POV

I light the small fire we were going to use for a little warmth. I glance around and don't see Danielle or Rick anywhere. I keep looking and see the two of them leaning against the concrete wall of the overpass, cuddled up together. Danielle's head is laying on Rick's chest and his arm is wrapped securely around her. I shake my head and throw another stick into the fire.

"They're pretty cute together." Maggie says and stands beside me. I shrug. I guess they could be. I notice Danielle wearing Rick's jacket and slightly smile. At least he's nice to her.

I also notice the bracelet on her wrist that was her son's. His name was Lyndon James Dixon. The father gave the child up after him and Danielle got into a huge argument, so Danielle gave Lyndon our last name. Mom was ecstatic about being a grandmother, but dad...not so much. He yelled at Danielle, hit her, called her a whore and lots more. He despised Lyndon with all he had but no one cared. Dad was a piece of shit himself anyway, so we didn't take anything he said into consideration. Mom was scared that he would hurt her and us if she left him, so she never did.

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