Chapter Twenty Nine

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I'm changing something about the resort they are going to. It's still going to be a resort, but it won't be a spa. And it won't be gated. It's also going to be the Gaylord Opryland Resort Hotel. I'll attach a picture so y'all know what it looks like. I'll do the best I can, but I just wanted y'all to know that I'm making just a little change. And they will have to be walking to Nashville, TN. which would take several days to walk to from Tunica, Mississippi. I'm just letting y'all know. All I'm doing to the other chapter is adding that it's in TN and Rick says that I'll take a while but it's worth a try. Just letting you guys know.---

"Chelsea." I say, getting her attention. She looks at me and waits for me to continue. I walk over to her and give her a smile. "I want to give Autumn to you." I tell her.

"Are you sure? You're the one who saved her. I thought you'd want her." She says. She looks at the baby in her arms then back at me.

"I'm sure. Yeah, I would love to have her, but you've always wanted kids. I had Lyndon. Now I have Carl and Judith who I'm going to consider my 'step-children'." I grin.

"Well okay then." She says, chuckling about what I said about Carl and Judith. "It means a lot, Dani."

"I know. Hey, maybe you can convince Mr. Dixon over there to 'adopt' her. She could be y'all's kid." I suggest with a shrug.

"Maybe." She smiles. I kiss Autumn's cheek, give Chelsea another smile and walk over to Rick. He ended up falling asleep on me last night. I took watch all night, denying Daryl's offers of me sleeping and him taking watch. I can tell he wasn't happy with it, but he's just going to have to deal with it.

"We'll leave when everyone wakes up." He tells me. I nod and lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around my waist and I do the same to him.


I walk beside Carl as we head towards the resort. I have one arm around Carl and holding Judith with my other. No one is speaking. Which doesn't surprise me. The only sounds that can be heard is our feet hitting the black top road and an occasional small noise from either Judith or Autumn. The resort will take about another day full of walking to get to, which I am dreading to be completely honest. But I have no choice but to go.

I glance around at everyone and they all seem to be in their own little world at the moment. I look at Daryl and see that he's looking at me. He nods towards the trees and I know that he's asking me if I want to go hunting with him. I nod back, hand Judith to Carl and catch up to Rick.

"I'm going hunting with Daryl." I tell him.

"Don't go too far." He orders. I nod and walk off with Daryl, making sure I have a few water bottles just in case we find water.

I stay beside Daryl and we walk in silence through the woods. I occasionally glance over at him and see him focused on what's ahead.

"You have Autumn to Chelsea?" He asks suddently.

"Yeah. Maybe you can take her in too?Be her dad?" I suggest.

"I don't know."

"Why not? Don't you want kids?" I smile. He glances at me and sighs.

"Can you stop talking about this?" He grumbles. A shrug with a defeated and upset smile.

"Okay." I say and focus on hunting.
After a few minutes of hunting, we don't find anything. But I do hear a faint sound of running water.

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