Chapter 23

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A/N: Guys I'm back please dont hate me if I dont post for a while. I've been working on a story on for like a week now and I have SO MANY IDEAS!!! Maybe I'll post it on here one day... Maybe. Anyway I plan for the Big Time-Skip to come up in a few chapters, i'm sure you will understand soon. Anyway ON TO THE STORY!!!


Skylee's POV

I pulled my cloak over myself. Sure this planet was known for its heat, but none of us wanted to take chances. I hated to admit it, but coming here made me nervous. No its not like I'm getting a feeling that something bad will happen, just me nerves I guess meeting yet another long lost family member. I felt Ezra come into my old room and I turned to face him.

"Ezra... Are you sure you want to come?" I asked walking up to him. He nodded.

"Yes Sky, I'm positive." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I know you are, but this is a big deal. You said you wanted to be taken more seriously as a Jedi, and this is-" I began.

"I'm sure Skylee, this is very important to you and I'm going to be there for you." He assured me putting both hands on my shoulders. 

"When are we landing?" I asked. He nodded.

"I was just about to tell you that, were landing in a few mintues." I nodded and took his hand as we walked toward the cargo-bay. Once we were there we were met by Kanan.

"Both of you be careful. This planet is very dangerous and we dont need any trouble." He said eyeing us both. I smiled and nodded.

"Dont worry Kanan we will." I replied before I walked onto the ramp. Suddenly I was hit by the planets unbelievable heat. Though I knew I would hate it, I pulled the hood of my cloak up so I wouldnt be seen and, for extra reassurence, the hand that wasnt holding onto Ezras patted my lightsaber hooked to my weapons belt.

After one long, sandy, hot, sunny, sandy, hot and did I mention Sandy? Walk later Ezra and I were finally in the market of Mos Eisely. Then I remembered something... I have no clue where my Aunt is in this place! I let out a groan of annoyance and facepalmed. I should have gotten more info on this Lady before setting out on this mission. I'm so stupid. Stupid. Stuipd. Stupid!

"Whats wrong?" Ezra asked me. I sighed.

"We have no Idea where my Aunt Thea lives." I told him. He thought for a moment, contimplating what to do.

"Well... We could go back to the Ghost." I shook my head.

"No they had to go out further to see Master Kenobi." I said to him in a whisper, no need to get caught.

"Maybe one of the Natives can help?" He offered. I shrugged.

"Its worth a try."


After almost half an hour of asking about, we came up with nothing. Both of us were on the brink of just giving up and letting what little of this mystery that hasnt came to light stay in the dark.  But then just before I gave up, I felt a tug on my arm. I turned around to see a little boy with slightly curly blonde hair and big blue eyes filled with wonder.

"Are you both lost?" He asked us. I looked at Ezra who looked at me with a shrug. I looked back at the boy. I could feel something coming from him, something... Powerful...

"Yes we are looking for someone, but we cant find her." I explained, he nodded.

"Well I might be able to help you, I know most everyone here. Who are you looking for?" He asked.

"Thea Vendull." Ezra chimed in. The boy's finger tapped his chin as he tried to remember.

"Vendull isnt ringing a bell, but the name Thea does. There is a Thea who works the fruit stand, but its closed right now." I'm sure my disipointment showed on my face.

"Why do you need to find her?" He asked.

"She my Aunt." I told him honestly.

"Well.... Just go down that street and hang a left, she lives in the last house." I smiled at the little boy, finally now I can just find out who this lady is and finally know more about my dad.

"Thank you very much...."

"Luke. Luke Skywalker." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"Skylee and Ezra Bridger." I replied shaking the boys hand. He also reached to shake Ezra's hand before I heard a masculine voice call his name.

"Oh I gotta go," He turned and yelled, "Coming Uncle Owen!," He then turned to us quickly waving, "Nice to meet you." With that he took off in a different direction. I turned to Ezra and smiled.

"What are we waiting for?" It was his turn to smile, which he did while he grabbed my hand and we went off in the direction Luke told us to go. It was quiet on the street, no one was out, I began to wonder about the Luke kid. Was that the force I felt? 

"You felt it to didnt you?" Ezra asked me. I nodded.

"Should we com Kanan about it?" Ezra shook his head.

"No we will just tell him when we see him." I nodded. Our conversation ended once we were in front of the house Luke told us about. I walked up to the door and knocked, with Ezra right behind me I wasnt nervous anymore, I was determined. It was a few mintues before the door opened, I couldnt believe who it was who stood there.

"You!" I shouted. It was him again, Oh why did it have to be him! Ezra moved me behind him and glared at the guy who broke us apart just a few years ago.

It was Chip.

A/N: Guys I loved writing this! If you read the first book you would know excatly who this is ha ha! CHIP IS BACK! I'm sorry I ended it here it just seemed so perfect!

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