Chapter 15

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A/N: So... Yeah another update. A few things have happened since my last update, my business not yours, anyways time for this chapter ENJOY!! (Also I have a Prequell story Idea at the bottem so please get back to me on that)

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing of Star Wars and or Star Wars Rebels Disney and Lucasfilms do, all  I own is a really crappy phone and a pretty good labtop and MY OC's!!! (Skylee, Jayla, etc.)

Skylee's POV a week later....

{Skylee's Dream}

I was in the same place again. The same place I had my very first date and where I got married, my favorite little spot where no matter what is happening in my life, everything here is perfect. I was sitting by the lake with a hand on my stomach just enjoying my surroundings, but I knew it was a dream this time. And usally when I was here in my dreams, there was something that needed to be done or said.

Sure enough I heard walking behind me, I turn around and see my Dad. A smile grew on my face as I got up and ran to hug him. I heard his once fimilar hearty laugh was like music to my ears.

"Dad!" I shouted.

"Glad to know you missed me Lee-Lee." He said using the nickname from my childhood and patting my back.

"I miss you so much Dad." I said near to tears. He pulled back from our hug, placed both his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

"Hey Vendulls dont cry when were happy, neither do Bridgers." He said with his signiture smile. I bit my lip to fight off his infectious smile, but failed miserably and laughed.

"Dad I have a feeling your not here just to make me laugh again." I said once my laughter subsided. He nodded his head.

"I know you have been wondering about the past." He said seriously. I nodded my head, with being on bed rest it gave me time to think. I would mainly think of the future, but I had also began to think of the past and the more I would think of the past the more I realised . I knew nothing about my parents lives before I came along.

"Are you gonna tell me about yours and Moms past?" I asked hopeful. He smile but shook his head no.

"Im sorry Skylee, I really am. But you must find out for yourself." He said.

"But how? I dont know where to start." I replied.

"Begin with Ahsoka. She knows very little of our pasts, but she may know someone to help you." He said then my dream started to fade away. I sigh in disipointment.

"Bye Dad." I said waving. He gave me a sad smile and a wave.

"Bye Skylee, I'll talk to you again soon." He said before he faded away along with the Lake.

{End of Dream}

I slowly opened my eyes and came face-to-face with the clock on my bedside table, just a few mintues before it would go off. I move Ezra's arm from its protective hold on me and got up to get ready for my day. As soon as I got up Ezra began to stir awake.

"Sky.. What are you doing up?" He asked between yawns.

"I was gonna be woken up anyways, the alarms gonna go off in a second." I said. As I finished my sentence the clock went off, as if to prove my point.

"Still dosent explain why your getting ready, your still on bed-rest." He said getting up himself. I sighed and faced him.

"Remember how I told you about how I didnt know much of my parents, you know when they were our age?" I asked him. He nodded and walked toward me with a curious look.

"Yeah.. What about it?" He asked. 

"Well... I had a dream, and my Dad was there and he told me to talk to Ahsoka about him and Moms past." I said. I could pracitally see the wheels in Ezras head turning as he thought about it, ever since I was rescued he has been very protective over me. Though I completly understand why he would be so protective of me, It was extremly annoying.

"Sky I know you want answers, but..." He began saying. I knew it was wrong, but I needed to find out about my parents. With being pregnat came the 'joy' of hormones being all over the place, so I kinda played that card and began to fake cry while hiding my face in my hands. Ezra, being the loving husband he is, wrapped me in his arms.

"Sky please dont cry. Okay Okay you can go, but I'm coming with you." He said as calmly as he could, but the panic was still clear. I moved my hands from my face and smiled.

"Great. Now I'm gonna finish getting ready." I said in a cheery voice. He pulled away from our hug and facepalmed.

"I just got played didnt I?" He asked with a smirk apparent on his face. I nodded my head and placed my hands on my hips.

"Yes my dear, you just got played." I replied. He chuckled and shook his head, continuing to get ready.

{Time-Skip Cuz I'm lazy!!}

Ezra and I walked side-by-side to command where Ahsoka most likely was. We finally got there and I was about to open the door, when Ezra stopped me.

"Skylee, are you sure about this? I mean- What if you dont like what you find out?" He asked. I considered this for a moment, what if I found out something about my parents that I didnt like? I shook my head.

"That is a possibilty, but Ezra I need to know this. My parents never talked about their pasts with me, and now I really wished they would have. I dont want that for our child, I want he or she to know what happened to the both of us." I said hugging my stomach. Ezra held one of my hands.

"Alright Sky, I can tell your very serious about this. So lets go figure this out." He said. I smiled a little and open the door. 

We walked in to see Ahsoka apperently arguing with a man who I had never seen before, her back was to us and I got a clear view of his face. He was human and had dark brown hair, pale skin, stormy grey eyes, and a bit of a beard growing on his face. She must have been to absorbed in her anger to hear the door open, but the guy didnt. He cleared his throat and gestured his head towards us. She turned around breifly to look at us, an embarrassed expression crossed her face. She turned to the man and whispered something that I couldnt hear. He man, obviously annoyed with what had previously been said, walked away but not before nodding in greeting at us. Ezra raised an eyebrow at Ahsoka after he left.

"Is this a bad time?" He asked. Ahsoka sighed and shook her head.

"No its fine. Me and Lux just had a disagreement, not a big deal. What going on?" She asked her attitude perking up a little from her argurement with this 'Lux' guy.

"Well.. You see Ahsoka i've been thinking about things lately and I realized something, I have no clue who my parents were before I was born. Do you know anything about them?" I asked hopeful. There was a breif moment of silence where Ahsoka looked like she was remembering something. She finally spoke up.

"I may know someone who can help." Ahsoka replied.

A/N: Yeah that is how I roll.. So anyways about the prequell PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I decided that I want to pull a George Lucas and write a prequell story after the originals are over and done with. Okay so the only people who really know about Skylee's parents are Me, myself, and I. And I was wondering if you guys wanted to know about them. If so I will write a prequell story that follows the adventures of Skylee's parents before Skylee came along. Like how they met, how the became friends, and how we ended up with the lovely Jedi Padawan Skylee Vend- err.. Bridger. Tell me what you guys think



-This is Rebel_Princess signing off-

~God Bless You~

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