Chapter 13

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A/N: Guys I swear on my two double-jointed legs I will never ever leave you guys on a cliff hanger for that long ever again. I will explain why at the bottem.


Ezra's POV

I caught up with Jayla, Kanan, and Hera right before we got to the War room. We barged in and saw her talking with one of the cell members. Jayla without a word dragged the member away from the room while I went up to Ahsoka. She had a confused expression on her face.

"Mind telling me why you just interrupted my conversation?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Skylee was captured." I said seriously. Her eyes widen and she had a look that basically said she didnt believe me.

"This is terrible." She said finally.

"We have to get her back!" I shouted slamming my hand on the table. I was angry, and I didnt care if my anger got the best of me at the moment. I flet a hand on my shoulder. I looked over at Kanan whose expression was clear, calm down.

"I agree. We will start immendiently. " Ahsoka said. With that we began the search for Skylee.

Skylee's POV

I woke up with a jolt. I was alone in a cell and I was secured to a table. (A/N: Like when Kanan was captured I have no idea what that was called so yeah.) I remembered everything and I was scared. My hand went straight to my stomach by instinct. I could feel through the force my child was still there and was fine. A small smile graced my face, just knowing that made me think everything was gonna be fine.

After a little while the door that was in front of me opened. Reveiling the Inqusitor and someone whom I had never met, but knew all the same. Govenor Tarkin. I reluctantly moved my hand from its place on my stomach, I didnt want them to find out. The last thing I wanted was for my child not to make it before it even had a chance to breathe its first breath.

"This is not what I expected." Tarkin said.

"What did you expected?" I said dryly.

"Considering all the trouble caused, I expected a soldier. Not a girl who looks like she could barely carry her self on her own two feet." He replied. It took all my will power not to say the insult I had prepared to unleash. I clentched my fist hopefully I could shut this guy up with a little help from the force. I didnt expect the excruciating pain spread through out every inch of my body, I screamed in agony. I was being electrocuted.

"Your little tricks your Master taught you are not going to help." The Inqusitor said smugly. Finally the pain stopped. I opened my eyes barely and glared at the two.

"Now tell us, who is the leader of your little rebellion? Code name Fulcrum." Tarkin asked. I gave him a blank stare. Ahsoka that was what they wanted to know, but they were never gonna get information out of me. No matter what I was not gonna talk.

The Inqusitor raised his hand and closed his eyes. I then felt as if something was trying to, in layman's terms, get inside my head. I suddenly saw the faces of the crew, I now knew what he was doing he was trying to use the darkside to get me to speak. I built up my mental sheilds as quickly as I could before I said anything of importance. I heard the Inqusitor growl in response. I smirked in response.

"Im sorry but I know nothing you could care about knowing." I replied. He frowned.

"I know you have the information we seek, and believe me. I will find out hat it is." He said walking a little closer to me. I frowned at him.

"Hate to break it to you- Wait no Im glad to tell you this. I will never tell you what I know." I said. He narrowed his eyes at me and was about to say something, but Tarkin beat him to it.

"Listen here girl, you do not know what your getting into. You, nor your friends know what it takes to win a war, but I do." He replied.

"Well Govenor I may not know how to 'win a war', but I do know that what I'm doing is better then anything compared to the Empire's work." I spat at him. He gave me a blank stare before turning around and walking out of my cell, with the Inquistor and Agent Kallus, who I didnt see earlier, trailing behind him like pets.

I stared up at the ceiling. I then remembered the bond I shared with Kanan and the bond I shared with Ezra, I remembered I had temporary closed it. I tried to reopen it and I succeeded.

Ezra? Kanan? Someone? Please if you can hear me answer. I said. Now all I had to do was wait.

Skylee? Is it really you? I heard Ezra ask hopefully. I smiled in relief.

Yes Ezra its really me. Kanan can you hear me as well? I asked. If I was gonna get out of here I needed both of them.

Clear as day. Good to hear your voice kid. I smile again.

Do you know where you are Skylee? Kanan asked.

Not yet, but i'm sure I'll figure it out soon. I replied.

Are you okay Sky? Is the baby okay? Ezra asked.

Yes Ezra we both are okay A little shook up, but overall fine. I said placing a hand over my stomach.

Skylee I swear we are gonna find you soon. Ezra said the determination in his voice was clear.

I know you will. I replied. I soon found myself fighting to keep my eyes opened.

Skylee you need to get som rest. I can sense your exaustion from here. Kanan said, he always acted like such a father towards me.

Alright. Alright I will talk to you again as soon as I can. I said back.

Bye Sky. Stay safe. I love you. Ezra said.

I will Ezra, we both will. I love you too. I said before I closed the bond. I was gonna get out of here, soon.

Okay guys I was out for so long cuz I have been sick and cuz of school so yeah. And i passed all my exams!! Come this new school year i'll be an offical 9th grader!


~God Bless You~

-This is Rebel_Princess signing off-

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