Chapter 18

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A/N: Im back! Now lets find out who the mystery charcter is! ON WITH THE STORY!!


Skylee's POV (P.S. Sorry I forgot the POV in the last chapter I was excited to post the next chapter)

"Well. Well. Well. If it isnt my favorite cousin."

I look towards the door to see a woman with dark brown hair in a braid that just barely went past her hip, red eyes,and was wearing what looked to be either Bounty hunter or Smuggler clothing with a strange gold panel that covered most of her chest. Arek gave a almost inaudiuble sigh and looked at the woman.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, quite rudely I might add. She gave him a look of fake hurt and placed a hand over the gold panel where her heart was.

"What I cant visit my family anymore? I'm quite shocked that you of all people would say such a thing." She replied her voice just dripping scarcasm. He facepalmed.

"You know I dont mind you being here, for a certain amount of time. But you know how mother feels about you being in her shop Kentlee." He said as calmly as possible. I assumed she was my cousin as well, but it was strange how similar our names are. She finally noticed me and my sister. She walked over to us narrowing her eyes with every step. My eyes darted to my sister who was looking at me confused. I placed a hand over my stomach, instict. She finally stopped when she was next to Arek.

"They seem.. Fimilar.." She said to Arek as if we werent sitting there.

"I believe they would, one of them is almost the excact copy of one of the people you looked up to most." He said, talking about Jayla.

"I know she does.", She began pointing at Jay. ,"But she also looks like someone I know." She finished pointing at me. Arek decided to put his 2-sense in.

"Well unless you know their father then I have no-"

"Vendull!" She yelled out. "Your father is Erik!" She said pointing her finger in my face. It took a lot of self-control not to slap her hand from my face. Arek facepalmed, again.

"I was being scarcastic Kentlee, none of us met Carena's 'secret love'." He said. Kentlee shook her head.

"No. No. No. You and your parents may have not met him, but in fact my mother and myself met him on more then one occasion. Hell, he could have been consider part of the family." She said crossing her arms and smirking. He rolled his eyes.

"Please refrain from your fowl language, there are children present." He said. I frowned.

"Excuse me but I am no child." I said in my most mature voice. Kentlee nodded her head in agreement.

"Come on my dear cousin, are you blind. One: I can see her wedding ring from a mile away. Two: It is obvious what she is hiding under that cloak." She said looking down at him and placing her hands on her hips. He looked at me for confrimation, I nodded my head. I had nothing to hide.

"Now my turn. Is your father Erik Vendull?" She said looking at me with a frown. I nodded my head once more. She smiled.

"So where are they?" She asked, though she hide it well I could still sense the excitment of seeing my parents coming from her.

Nobody said anything.

She must have gotten the message because though she kept her blank face intact, I could feel her sadness and anger through the force.

"Who?" She asked.

"The Empire." I answered in a quiet voice. Her anger rose even more and she slammed her fist on the table. I didnt notice the Crisp I had gotten earlier was falling, so instinctively I used the force to catch it and place it back on the table. Arek gaped at me, but Kentlee was still angry and was pacing around the shop muttering fowl langauge under her breath. She didnt even agknowlage me.

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