Chapter 25

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A/N: Guys..... It is time for the long awaited chapter... Prepare yourself...For... *Fangirl scream* The new... OC!! One you will actually love!


Skylee's POV 

6 months later....

I layed on our bed in our quarters. It seemed I did a lot of that now. Over the last 4 months I havent been allowed to do anything! But I understood and did as the Doctor and Commanders told me to do. So much has happen since I went and found my Aunt. First of all the Jedi master Ahsoka, Kanan, and Hera went to find wouldnt help us, but apperently he had a good reason, but only Kanan, Hera, and Ahsoka knew. When I had asked she had told me 'Somethings are left better unknown.' Jay had her birthday a few months ago and is now offically 8 years old, and much to her sadness she was taken out of command, and much to my dismay she was also put into training to become a true Rebel. And Ezra had his birthday last week now he was 18, and my birthday was now a week away and I would be 18 as well. Also Zoe (A/N: Sabine's adopted daughter, Incase you didnt remember) had just had her birthday as well and is now 3 years old. And... Sadly Ezra's Mother is gone now. She put up a brave fight, but ultimitly lost. Ezra was depressed for a whole month, he wouldnt even participate in missions. But finally he came to terms with her death, like most of us did, and slowly but surely he learn to cope. Now he was, kinda, our old Ezra again.

I looked down to my stomach, which was now bulging, and smiled abit. The baby was due anytime now and I was grateful the he or she was healthy. Ezra and I decided to not find out wether it was a boy or a girl, we wanted it to be a surprise.  Aunt Thea was true to her words about being pregnat, the first few months are to be cherished. I remember waking up one morning and I could see my feet anymore, and apon telling Ezra this he laughed and we joked around about for a few days.

Suddenly I was jolted from my thoughts when I felt the ship jerk, did I forget to menton the base kept getting attacked? Oh well yeah, they have moved to different coordinates several different times, but the Empire always figuares out where we are and continues to attack. So I quickly grabbed my lightsaber, just in case any troopers managed to get inside the base. Ezra and the rest of crew were on a mission so I knew Jay would be watching Zoe again. I quickly ran to Jay's room. I quickly opened her door and my Jedo reflexes told me to duck, which I did just as a blaster shot went over my head. When I look up I see a guilty looking Jayla with Zoe peeking her head or from behind her. I raise an eyebrow in question.

"I thought you were a bucket head alright!" Jay shounted in her defense. I smirked and shook my head.

"Good thing I'm not a bucket head." I replied as I took gaurd next to the door, prepared like always. The ship swayed abit, scaring Zoe abit. I walked over to her and sat on Jay's bunk. 

"Hey its okay." I told her, but just after I had said another blast hit the base causing it to shake again. Zoe hugged my side and Jay sat on my other, scared as well. I did what my mom did when I was scared, I rubbed both their heads in gentle stroaks and hummed a tune, its words long forgotten to me. It wasnt long until the attack was over and both of the girls were asleep, my comlink beeped, I knew what that meant. It was rare when they called me to command now, but when they did it was usally important. So leaving the Jay and Zoe, I quickly made my way to command.

When I got there I saw the usual group, meaning Ahsoka, but to my surprise I saw Senator Organa and Mon Mothma, well hologam them but they were still here. I went to my normal spot and nodded in greeting to the other leaders.

"Welcome Lieutenant Bridger." Mon Mothma greeted. Did I also mention I was down-grated from a Commander to Lieutenant, it was kinda a big blow to me and I was pretty angry about for a little while. But Kanan made me realize why they did what they did and I learned to accept it, well.. partly. But I bit back my pride and nodded to her and looked to Ahsoka in question.

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