Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys I just got back from the beach and I left my lab top at home like an idiot cuz I didnt know the Condos me and my parents were staying at had Wi-Fi. But that gave me sometime to think over this chapter. So I get that my rescues for my charcters happen in like 2 chapters and this chapter is no exception because I have a lot more planned for this story and that is just how it is.

Skylee's POV A few weeks later...

I am glad I was so stubborn sometimes considering I knew so much information they could use, but not a word left my mouth that would give away info of my friends or my family or the rebellion. For the last few weeks I had been tortured to an extent, mainily being electrocuted which was extremely painful. I was worried and I knew he could sense it, but I wasnt worried about myself. I was worried about the baby. He or She had been fine so far, but I would always worry while I was here. I weakly look up at the Inqusitor, I had yet again kept my mouth shut and didnt give away anything. His was nothing but pure frustration.

"What do you know?" Tarkin, who was always there whenever my interogations happened, said. I look at him blankly. He glared back at me with stone-cold eyes. I mustered up enough strengh to glare at him and reply.

"You will never find out." I said my voice slightly hoarse. I didnt need to be force sensitive to sense the anger and frustration just radiating from the both of them.

Without a word they all got up and left the room, leaving me alone. As soon as the door shut my hand automaticly went to my stomach to make sure everything was okay for the baby. I dont know how I knew, probably mothers instinct according to my own mothers wisdom, but I could tell he or she was in a similar state to mine weak but over-all still alive. Relief flows through me thankfully at least my son or daughter was alright, for now at least. I keep my hand on my stomach and look up at the ceiling. I was exausted, both from the fact I had just been tortured, I was too scared to fall asleep here, and I couldnt sleep without Ezra beside me. So for the last few weeks I had little to know sleep and usally whatever sleep I did get I would wake up from nightmares. Hopefully soon this will all be over and I will be back safely at the base with my family. (A/N: BTW in case you didnt know Skylee considers the crew her family just as Ezra and her sister is her family.)

Ezra please come soon.. I said through our bond before falling into a restless sleep.


Ezra's POV

I stood next to Kanan as Ahsoka explained the mission to everyone. After a series of many different missions over the last few weeks we managed to find where Skylee was and we had

To say I was stressed was an understatment, I am worried sick about Skylee so much to the point where I cant sleep at night. And I was not the only person in this state. Jayla was just as worried as I was and just as I was we were determined to get her back. I didnt pay much attention to the breifing because I already knew the plan by heart. The plan was Kanan, Sabine, and Zeb would fly the transport, that we had 'barrowed' from one of our previous missions, and fly in the TIE fighter, the one me and Zeb stole a few years ago, then set off the bombs will cause a power surge on the destroyer. Then while that happens me and Hera will fly in the Phantom and dock to the ship during the commotion. Then we rescue Skylee and make our getaway, with Choppr on stand-by in case we need help from the other rebels.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Ahsoka finally finished up the breifing and we all ran to begin the mission.

Once I made sure Jayla was safe and was going to stay put in the control room with Ahsoka, I ran as fast as I could to the Ghost. Once I was abored we took off.

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