Chapter 1

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A/N: Okay Guys so I decided to rewrite this story because I had absolutely no idea what I was writing about in the last version of this. So this story will take place during the original Star Wars rebellion. And I am so sorry for not updating sooner, Its how the time has changed over (Day-light savings time) It has put an extreme toll on my sleeping patterns. By the time I get home from school its either to late or I'm way to tired to think. So please try and understand my predicament. Oh and one more thing instead of it being Ezra or Skylee's B-Day it is the anniversary of her parents death.


Skylee's POV

2 years later.....

I sat in the Phantom. I flicked the end of my braid over my shoulder, it only goes down past my shoulders by an inch or two 'Thanks for the hair cut Inquisitor.'(Note my sarcasm)

It was that day. The same feeling of sadness had washed over me again for the third time. Even if it had been over 2 years ago I still missed my parents with all my heart. I sat in the small ship holding the family photo I had gotten from my old house. We took that picture over 4 years ago when I was only 13, Jayla was only 3, and mom and dad were about 29. I feel tears in the corners of my eyes as I look at our smiling faces, Jayla had the biggest smile a three year-old could muster her long strawberry blonde hair fell down to her shoulders and her big sea green eyes shone brightly, I held her hand and gave the camera a small smile I had my hair in its normal braid and my eyes seemed to pop because of how the light hit them, dad had his hands on our shoulders squatting down to our level with a big goofy smile his short brown and auburn hair styled how it always was and bright sea green eyes shone bright with love and pride for his family, and mom had her hand on dads shoulder giving the camera a motherly smile her strawberry blonde hair was cut short and her aqua blue eyes shone bright with a motherly love.

I sniffed and wiped the tears from my eyes. I missed them so much. I had mention an Idea to Ezra a few weeks ago something that would commemorate them.


I walked into the makeshift living room to see Chopper and Ezra playing some type of game. The creature Chopper was controlling was beginning to lose to Ezra's. "Ha! Take this you rolling junk pile!" Ezra shouted. I giggled at his childish behavior. He looked up at me and smirked.

During his brief distraction, Chopper took the opportunity to kill Ezra's creature. Chopper threw his robotic arm flew up in victory he beeped a couple times and laughed. Ezra just threw his hands up in frustration. "You got lucky Chopper!" He yelled. "Sorry it was my fault." I said. Chopper came and patted my arm as if to say 'Thank you Skylee.' I smiled and patted his head like you would a pet (A/N: Am I the only one who thinks Chopper would make a great dog?) I walked over to Ezra and sat beside him. "Sorry I made you mess up." I said. He shrugged and slid an arm across my shoulders. "Its fine. I just have to fix the minor problems on the ship, and remember this one thing Sky." He said. I look him in the eye and smile. "Never. I repeat Never. Make a bet with Chopper." He said.

I laughed. "I already know that. 'Ezzy'." I said using the nickname I came up with, oh and did I mention that he hated it. He covered his ears much like a two year-old would. "No don't call me that." He said. I chuckled at his reaction and gave him a peck on the cheek. Then I remembered why I came in here in the first place. "Ezra I want to do something in memory of my parents." I said. He went silent for a second. "Like what?" He asked. "Hmm... What about a broadcast?" I asked. He looked at me. "I like the Idea but what about a signal. Remember the Empire blew up their own tower." He explained. "Well ever since the incident, we haven't really been... Out in the open I guess." I said. Ezra kinda zoned out for a minute, my best guess was he was reliving that horrible moment when he nearly killed me.

I patted his back and brought him back into reality. "You okay?" I asked him hints of worry was laced in my voice. He looked back at me. "Don't worry about me." He said with a smile, but I saw through that he was still mad at himself for what happened. I was about to say something, but he cut me off. "I'll talk to Kanan and see what I can do." He said getting up, he kissed the top of my head and walked off. I was left sitting there praying that he would try and forget that horrible day.

Flashback over....

I just sat there holding the picture close to my heart and stared at the stars. The door of the small ship opened and someone walked in. I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I look up and see Kanan. "Hey Kanan." I said. "Hey Skylee, come on we have a mission." He said. I was about to object to this, but I was cut off yet again. "I know you don't want to come, but trust me you'll want to come." He said. I sighed and nodded.

I walked into my room and climbed to my bunk. There was a secret panel that I found a year or so ago. I had kept anything I was afraid of losing hidden there. I kept the pictures I took from my house there, my favorite stuffed rabbit from when I was a kid Cottontail, and whenever I didn't need it for training or missions my lightsaber. I place the picture of my family back next to the one of me and my sister. I grab my lightsaber and clip it to my belt. I grab my black leather jacket from off my bed, tug it over my white peasant blouse, I brush off my dark blue skinny jeans, and I pull up my black cloth boots. Now I'm ready to go.

I walk out my room and as always straight to the cockpit. Everyone was there. Ezra sat in the seat behind Hera saving, Sabine sat beside Chopper who was showing us a map of the newly built commutations tower, Zeb stood by the door ready to leave, and Kanan as always sat in the co-pilots seat. I took I sat in my usual seat.

"Okay whats up?" I asked. Everyone exchanged a glance then looked back at me and smiled. "We are gonna do a broadcast, in honer of your Parents." Hera explained. I was speechless I smiled and felt happy tears prick my eyes. I clap my hands together. "Lets do this." I said determined.

A/N: Okay guys that's it sorry this took so long we have Spring testing coming up this Monday-Thursday and I am probably not gonna update all that week. So night guys.

~God Bless You~


-This Is Rebel_Princess signing off-

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