7. Getting to Know You

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I turned on my MacBook, waiting silently for the desktop to show. I clicked on safari, then quickly typed in the question, 'what is a hickey?' on google. The first definition that popped up was 'a gadget,' I looked quizzically around, wondering why they were laughing at a gadget on my neck then. I shook my head, not believing that that was the right definition, then quickly looked at the second definition. It said, 'a skin blemish, especially a mark caused by a lover biting or sucking skin.'

I forcefully shut my laptop to a close and ran to my bathroom instantly. I stood in front of the mirror and tilted my head to the side, exposing the spot that connected my neck to my collarbone. My eyes widened as I saw a rather large red spot. What the heck?

I groaned as I grabbed soap from the sink and began scrubbing at the mark, it only continued to get redder and bigger. I rinsed off the soap and lightly banged my head against the mirror.

"This is what I get...Ugh," I mumbled, then slowly dragging my feet back to my laptop. I opened it back up, then typed in google, 'how to get rid of a hickey?' a bunch of links popped up, however, I was too much of a prude to click on one, in fear of seeing pictures of hickeys. (Yes, I know, I'm immature.) I sighed, deciding that I was just going to cover it up with makeup tomorrow, and probably just wear an Underarmour turtleneck to cover it up. 

I looked at the time, 11:21, I sighed, deciding to change into my pajamas to get ready for bed. I was too tired to take a shower right now, it was a long and stressful day. First, cheer practice was tiring. Second, I found out that Cameron was Isabelle's younger sister. Lastly, I basically tried sucking Isabelle's face off as she tried sucking my freaking blood out. So, of course, I'd just shower in the morning. 

After I changed into a loose long sleeved shirt, I basically jumped onto my bed, hugging my pillow tightly, before drifting off into a deep sleep.


I woke up an hour earlier than usual, but I couldn't fall back asleep. I had a weird dream about snow cones and chimpanzees, which I really don't care to explain. I decided to get ready quickly, so I could brew myself a nice hot cup of coffee before school. So, I went to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. However, I didn't stay for too long, I didn't want my skin to prune. Therefore I hastily got out of the shower to dry off and return to my room.

I, of course, grabbed a grey turtleneck Underarmour shirt to cover up the god darned hickey. I paired it up with simple black leggings and maroon vans. I pulled my hair up in a tight ponytail and grabbed my backpack to bring downstairs with me. It was rather light because I never seemed to have homework. I always did it ahead in class, because it was way too easy. I mean, it was all memorization, and I was great with that. 

I believe that high school prepares you for nothing. The only person that can help you achieve your greatest goals is only yourself, and yourself alone. I believe that if you don't have the motivation to do great things, then you can't get yourself to the top. So, sure, high school can throw ten pages of homework a night and drama around each corner, but I know for a fact, that the individual herself prepares for life after high school. 

I started to go down the stairs then led myself to the kitchen, my mouth salivating as I already smelled freshly brewed black coffee in the kitchen. I grabbed a mug from the cabinet and poured myself a mug, smiling as it warmed up my hands. However, of course, with my luck, guess who was sitting with Jason at the counter?

Yep, you guessed right, Isabelle freaking Chase. I groaned, silently hoping that they didn't notice me, yet that plea wasn't granted as I saw Jason grinning at me from the corner of my eye. 

"Morning, sis, why are you up so early?" He patted the spot next to him, which was directly across from Isabelle. I slowly sat next to him with a frown on my face as I tried not to look at the dark-haired beauty sitting across from me. Images of her pushing me down and spreading my legs apart so she could pry her fingers-

Tainted Innocence (girlxgirl) COMPLETED (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now