30. Denied

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Hey guys, if you haven't read my other book, I Hate You, you should check it out.

It's in the same high school as Tainted Innocence, so maybe you'll encounter some of your fav characters from here(: It's set in the same timeline too, so some events/chapters correlate, but you don't have to read Tainted Innocence to understand it. 

I'm also so surprised that I was able to update this weekend, considering I'm at a music festival in Chicago right now, I think I deserve a pat on the back. 

enjoy (:


Sam's POV


I was stressing. 

Majorly stressing. 

I was pacing the living room floor because Jason (of course) wasn't home. I still didn't change out of my work out clothes because my heart was basically eating itself in my chest. 

The whole car ride was awkward. Alexis tried to lighten up the mood by playing some music from the radio, but it just wasn't the same. Usually, I'd try to talk to her about it, but I couldn't stop thinking about that kiss on the track field! Every few minutes I'd find myself tracing my fingers to my lips, remembering how her soft lips pressed against them and made me feel like I was actually cared for. I felt like a burning fire was starting inside me, but I didn't understand how to put it out. 

What was supposed to happen now? 

I couldn't deny it, I wanted to kiss Alexis again. I didn't know if I had feelings for her, hell I didn't know who I had feelings for at the moment! 

I knew I still loved Isabelle. 

I wanted Jordan to kiss me at the restaurant.

Now I wanted my best friend to kiss me again? 

What the heck was I doing?

I groaned. At this rate, I just needed to go transfer to a different school, to a different country... I slapped my cheek to snap out of it as I walked out of the living room to go upstairs to change. I went to my room and started to undress, grabbing some random clothes from my closet. I contemplated showering beforehand, but then I felt my phone vibrate, indicating that someone was calling me. 

I scrunched my eyebrows together as I recognized Gabrielle's caller ID. I groaned out loud, Great I forgot I also had this weird situation to take care of. 

I shook my head then swiped right to answer her call. 

"Hey," I said trying to get all the irritation out of my voice.

"Hi, what's up?" She inquired casually as I attempted to put a shirt on with one hand. 

"Nothing, just got back from track." 

"Great! Want to grab something to eat?" She said happily as my mouth hung open in shock. What? I knew she was serious about being friends, but I didn't think she would ask so soon! 

"Um, yeah, sure," I said without thinking, not really sure how I could've turned her down anyways. 

"Great! I'll pick you up in ten minutes!" Before I could protest or inquire how she even remembered my address, she hung up the phone. I stared at the phone in disbelief, until her words registered in my head. I quickly put the rest of my clothes on as I scrambled to gather my purse (she wasn't going to pay for me this time), phone, and brush to attempt to untangle the mess of my hair. 

What the heck was Gabrielle thinking? Was this situation not awkward for her at all? I didn't think it was even possible for me to face her without being in utter embarrassment. Did she really want to just be friends? Or did she miraculously want to be like Isabelle and continue a dangerous relationship with a minor? 

Tainted Innocence (girlxgirl) COMPLETED (Currently Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora