12. The Talk

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"So, Sam. I didn't know you were a real kinky bastard." Alexis started.

We were all currently back inside her room. I was fully clothed on Alexis's bed hiding underneath the sheets because I felt like my face was going to explode from embarrassment. Alexis was rummaging through her closet, acting all nonchalant, as if she didn't witness me doing the dirtiest of all things. Cameron was rubbing my back slowly, as she finally realized how embarrassed I was about the situation. However, she did not get fully clothed. She was still in her sports bra and sweatpants, and I swore that if she moved the right way, there was a certain fake bulge in her pants. My cheeks somewhat grew hotter, as I scolded myself for being so willing to do anything. Why would she keep it there? 

Really, why was I so...naughty? Dirty? I don't even think those words can even begin to describe my attitude towards sex at the current moment. I wasn't like this with boys, but then again I've never been with a boy - it just never clicked. I wasn't like Alexis who spread her legs to every guy she thought was hot. Or was I?

Was I the girl who would do anything with any girl as long as she showed some kind of interest in me? Was I really that easy? I sighed under the blanket, thinking about Cameron and Isabelle as concrete evidence of how easy I was. What would my parents say if they were still alive today? They'd be so disappointed in me.

I knew that I was disappointed in myself.

I was disappointed with the fact that I let Isabelle come close to me. I hated the fact that I let her be my first time, or that I let Cameron be my first ... I don't even know what to call it, to be honest. I was still a little heartbroken over the fact that Isabelle thought it was okay to sleep with me even though she had a girlfriend, who was extremely nice, which made me feel even worse. However, it was still my fault for again, being so damn easy. And then what happened in the locker room with Cameron spun into something completely different, as I was now her "secret girlfriend" who basically said yes to anything she wanted.

So, of course, I deserved every second of this embarrassment because this was my punishment.

Why didn't I have any self-control? What happened to the old Samantha Sumner?

I peeked my head out from under the covers to look at Cameron, who leaned down to press her lips against my forehead. I smiled, but it instantly faded as I remembered what she was doing to me just less than ten minutes ago. I mean, I liked it, but I was still at war with myself on how I gave in so easily.

"So, what are you two? Are you guys dating....hooking up....some submissive type of shit? Because, I'm pretty confused, considering I thought Sam was as straight as a pole and as innocent as a three-year-old. So, I mean, I guess, here's another question. Cameron, how the hell did you get Sam to sleep with you?" I groaned out and hid my head back under the covers, not really knowing the answer either. Well, I knew the answer, but I honestly didn't want to admit how willing and easy I was. And as for the dating thing? I wasn't even quite sure myself, as Cameron just sorta announced it to Isabelle. So, I guess that rules out hooking up, since we sorta have an established relationship? And as for the submissive thing, I yet again had no idea what Alexis was saying.

"We're dating as of Friday night. So, not long." Cameron laughed as she noticed that I hid under the covers again. I wish I could've popped my head up to add the part that she never even asked if I would be her girlfriend. I still didn't even know if I liked girls, or I just liked being with Isabelle and Cameron. "Even though I'm pretty sure Sam is submissive as shit." She added, causing me to become extremely confused.

"Ha! I could see that. She gives off those innocent vibes, but I bet once she's in bed she becomes a freak! I can totally see that." Alexis burst out laughing. I wanted to hit my head against something hard. I didn't get why Cameron wasn't even trying to switch the subject or something.

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