16. Solution

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My head was being pushed harshly against a pillow as Jordan mercilessly had her way with me. Tears stung my eyes as I was pretty sure that this was round eight of torture. My whole body hurt, and I could feel my old bruises being replaced with new ones as Jordan put an excessive amount of pressure while having sex me. The only reason why I was at round eight with her was because I was late in getting to her house by seven minutes. Each minute I was late, apparently added another round of sexual torture for me. 

I hated myself. 

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was probably thirty minutes, I, unfortunately, came for the eighth time. I was exhausted and disgusted with myself, but I couldn't help it.

I still didn't get what was the point in using me. She said that we were a "couple", yet she's failed to tell or show anyone that fact. I would've thought that she would, considering that she wanted to get back at Cameron for cheating on her, but she never did. I never knew what she was planning. 

Jordan laid beside me, wrapping her arms tightly around me while I barely acknowledged her. I hope I wouldn't piss her off again, so I tried not to make eye contact with her. My heartbeat was beating way too fast and my breathing came up in short, ragged breaths, as I wasn't physically able for this type of torture. 

The blonde reached over and grabbed a glass of water to hand over to me. I hesitated, grabbing it before taking a few sips and handing it back to her. Jordan took her hand and faintly traced her fingers along my abdomen as if admiring the bruises that dotted my body, some of them representing finger-like flowers from the way she put pressure on my skin as she ravished me. I felt disgusted by her touch, knowing well that she was getting some sort of sadistic pleasure from being with me, especially from seeing how she hurt me for the day. 

Yet I knew it was all my fault. 

I've been avoiding Alexis and Cameron for days ever since the locker room incident, as I knew Jordan would flip out and release the pictures if I told anybody about what was happening. I've thought about trying to steal her phone to delete the pictures by myself, but she always had it with her, proving it impossible for me to try to delete them. I didn't even want to take the chance, as I know she'd hurt me horribly if I was caught. 

As for Isabelle? My heart leaped and fell each time her name passed my mind. I was falling for Isabelle Chase, but I was unable to do anything about it as Jordan's blackmail restrained me from doing so. Plus, I didn't think that I even deserved any sort of romantic relationship. I deserved whatever was coming to me. 

Jordan then moved her hand up my body to my face as she turned my head towards her. I stared blankly into her grey eyes, honestly not caring what she could do next. She pressed her lips hard to mine, her tongue already prying its way into my mouth as I unwillingly kissed back. I wanted to throw up. 

"Mmm, good girl." I yelped as she bit my lower lip and slapped my butt. I took in a sharp breath due to the pain. After a few minutes of her grabbing my butt and forcing her tongue inside of me, she got up from the bed to head for the shower. However, as she glanced over at the nightstand, I froze, realizing that I left my phone there. Before I could grab it, she snatched it out of my reach and unlocked it, looking through the contents. I stopped breathing, hoping that she wouldn't see anything she didn't like. However, as I watched her eyes grow darker, I knew that she found something she certainly didn't like. 

"Twenty-Six missed calls from Cameron Chase. Twelve missed calls from Alexis Matthews." She paused, taking an intake of breath as I cringed from her rising anger. "Why are you avoiding us? We need to talk, Sam. Where are you? We want to help you- What the fuck did you tell them?" She growled out as she went back on the bed and grabbed ahold on my neck tightly. My eyes bugged out as I tried to pry her hands off, trying to gasp for small pockets of air. 

Tainted Innocence (girlxgirl) COMPLETED (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now