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"Samantha, what the hell are you doing?" Bethany said half-heartedly with her hands on her hips as I scrubbed the bar tops clean with degreaser. 

"I'm cleaning." I mumbled as I drained my sponge into the sanitizer bucket and looked over at her. 

She rolled her eyes. "You've been working here for a week, and you're already a better worker than all of the staff combined. You don't need to do that, just chill and text people like normal people do during breaks. You already did all the dishes." 

"I can't! I'm so antsy! Why can't more customers come in?" I said as I moved onto the chairs to scrub clean. My fingers were starting to feel numb from the cleaning agent, and I was worried that I ended up burning my fingers from the lack of gloves. Stupid. 

"It's 3'oclock. No one gets ramen at-Hello! Welcome! Sit anywhere you'd like!" I gave her a smug look as Bethany was interrupted by some international students wandering in. 

You see, since cheer practice ended for the season, I've been filling my evenings with working at my new job. I knew I didn't need the money, however working there made my longing for Isabelle grow weaker. The only real problem from working here was the fact that Alexis was angry at me for not spending time with her anymore. Yet, that was a lie, as she tended to visit the restaurant frequently to eat. I've noticed it was only when Bethany and I worked together though, never when I was working with someone else. I never asked her why. 

Another table walked in as I started to clean up the supplies for scrubbing the bar down. I pushed my thoughts to the side as I began to put my mind into my job. 

"Here are some menus, how are you guys doing today?" I smiled at the three customers that I just sat down at a table. Two looked like some regular dark-haired frat guys, while another was a girl with long dark hair formed into a bun, with a line shaved on the side of her head. They all said fine, whilst I asked for there drink orders, which were waters. 

I grabbed the drinks then went over to there table. The restaurant was pretty empty, so they were my only table. "You guys have any questions....or...." I curiously mumbled a little too softly, feeling a pang of stupidness overwhelm me. The guys didn't seem to notice or hear my question, but the dark haired girl giggled at my attempt. I bit my lip, feeling a little embarrassed. Her hazel eyes reflected back to me. 

"I think we're ready to order." I quickly grabbed my pad and pen, writing down their orders in accordance to what they said. I then grabbed their menus and placed the order. I walked over to Bethany, who was texting in the kitchen, and sighed. 

"I think I'm a horrible waitress." I mumbled. She looked up from her phone, a perfectly arched eyebrow rose in question of my statement. 

"You are not a horrible waitress. Why would you think that?" Bethany said as she shoved her phone back into her waitressing apron. 

"I don't know...I'm just really awkward when it comes to customers." My eyes wandered over to my table, then back to Bethany as she gave me a pointed look. 

"Shut up Samantha. They look fine, it's not like you fucked up their food or spilled their drinks on them. If you did, then we can talk about you being a horrible waitress." She grinned as I let out a little giggle. 

"I guess that would be horrible..." 

Their bowls of ramen came out, resulting in me grabbing the bowls to set in front of my three customers. Before long, they were asking for the bill. 

I dropped the bill off at their table, smiling and mouthing a "thank you" before leaving to grab the broom to start closing up the restaurant. One of the frat guys put his card in the check holder, so I went to close out their bill. After a few minutes, the table realized that we were already closed and gathered all of their belongings.

Tainted Innocence (girlxgirl) COMPLETED (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now