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Lewis Brown.

Standing tall, a few women with thread and needles were tailoring my outfits all created by X so that we'd be set for fashion week.

I had to inform Duce I'd be taking a week off, I wasn't going to care if he asked why I was going out of town. Besides I was going to do anything to support X and her dreams.

"Aye what was that for!" I shout sticking out my tongue as X runs into the hall.

"What a girl cant smack a guys butt?" She giggles.

"No not really." I say in my defensive, she barely lets me touch her butt! Hell no.

"You have a cute little butt. Why am I lying? Your butt is bigger than mine." X made me smile as I was turned to the side, I hear her travel downstairs and its back silent.

"She very pretty woman." The Italian woman says fixing my collar.

"Why thank you." I say revealing a smile as she nods.

"Baby?" She raises her eyebrows and giggles.

"No ma'am no mini me's." I say blushing. One day if X and I ever came to that point in our lives, I'd be more than happier to give her my seeds.

It was easing on 10 o'clock and for some reason I was super tired and I'm pretty sure X was too. We had a 5 pm flight tomorrow and needed plenty of rest.

But the way X been acting up, she acting like she want this work. I'm completely fine if she is but, that girl has been wearing some new panties or something cause she's been all over me today, but I love it.

"All down Mister Brown!" The Italian lady alarms me as I turn to look at my
image in the mirror.

My jawline brought out the darker colors and X was a creative designer, I didn't feel trapped in the garments and it was bound to be a success.


The fork twirled beneath the pasta and went right into my mouth, I childishly lured her face in by the nape of her neck and made her slurp the other end of the noodles until we kissed.

"Okay I'm full." She gasps then nods looking down at our no longer mountain plate of spaghetti and meat balls.

"Kinda, are you excited?" I ask watching her go to wash the dishes, more of her bending over and watching her ass move but whatever.

"Very. I've been dreaming of this since senior year, and everything is falling in place. My career, my dream a man..." She trails off.

"I'm so happy I've met you X, I just want you to be mine." I say dimming the kitchen bar light above us.

"Duh Lew I'm glad we met too. When we get back, we should go to dinner." She smiles suddenly.

"We always go to dinner." I chuckle.

"No I mean my family, yours..." She adds.

"My parents are actually dead." I mutter softly.

"Baby, I'm sorry... I- I should've asked you first." She turns to me as I nod in content. I knew she didn't mean any harm but I hated talking about my parents.

Without any other words, I kissed her goodnight and went upstairs a few steps and traveled to the bedroom.

12 am and my eyes feel incredibly sore and so does body. Peeling back the sheets, I climb in bed to see X's bra and a pair of panties. Holding them in my hand, a confused look runs along my face and doesnt leave.

What was this supposed to mean? I placed them onto her nighstand and began to turn the light off, tucking myself under the covers, I stared at the shadow of the door frame on the floor until her body came to view.

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