Chapter 13

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I finally look down at my phone once I feel like I've spent enough time studying. I notice it's getting close to midnight. I should really head home. I think I'll be able to keep everyone in tact tomorrow and not blow us up.

I pick up all my papers and slide them inside their designated folders. Once all in inside my backpack, I head out the back door. I double check to make sure it's locked because I don't want to be the one to blame for anything. Ian's in the window above in his loft. He looks down when he see's my reflection on the sidewalk. I give him a simple wave and he returns it. If I was a little bit older, and a little less Riley, I would definitely consider him boyfriend material. That is if he was interested in me as well. Sadly, that isn't the case. 

The student life around campus is pretty dull tonight. I pass a few students on the way to my building, but each are preoccupied in their own little worlds. Most are on their phones or talking to the person next to them. Now are really enjoying the scenery like I happen to be.

As I get to the top step of the stairwell, I reach into my bag to find my key. It's no where to be found. I drop my bag to the ground and search through it a little more. I mentally slap myself when I realize I left it on the bar last night when I came in all excited about Ryan's package. Now what am I supposed to do?

I beat on the door in hopes that Austin is still awake or still at home. I get nothing but silence. Is he mad at me?? 

Is it wrong to say triple crap?

I feel my body drag and I know I don't have enough energy to walk all the way back to the main lobby to get another key. It'd be my luck I'd get there and no one would be there at this time anyways.

Finally I decided to drop down the door and rest. Austin has to open it sooner or later. I can just wait it out.

I play on my phone for a while to pass the time. I find nothing good on Facebook, besides my mom sharing strange sexual innuendos such as poems about penises. I quickly get off. 

That's just gross mom.

Twitter is a bore due to Teen Wolf being on and people are constantly retweeted things from tonight's episode. Don't get me wrong, I love teen wolf, but if I can't watch it, I don't want spoilers.

I find myself on wattpad in the end. I scroll through my feeds then look to see that my favorite author has updated. My eyes grow heavy as I'm halfway through her newest chapter. It's not her writing that's causing me to drift, it's just my day is catching up with me. A yawn escapes my mouth, and I try to shake it off. I know I'm tired but I can't just sleep out in the hall. I reach above my head and knock on the door. Silence rings the empty halls once again.

I guess a little nap won't hurt.

I place my bag on its back and lean my head against it. It's not the best pillow, but it'll do. I slip my phone into the pocket of my jacket, then fall into a nice sleep. Hopefully one of the maintenance people won't kill me the next time they come around. Hopefully they'll have a key and I can get in. Hopefully Austin finds me before that. I'd rather wake to him then the hairy man from the other day.

Oddly enough, not seeing Austin's face since my little slip this morning is hurting my heart. Is that bad?

"Riley?" A voice speaks to me.

"Riley!" The voice says a little louder. I jump and almost fall down the stairs.

"I'm up!" I scream and wipe my eyes.

"What are you doing out here? It's 3 in the morning!"

I look up to find out the high pitched voice is non other than my partner in crime.

"Amber?" I say, standing up.

"Yeah Amber. Riley why are you outside??"

She places her arms under my armpits in efforts to help me up.

"I left my key inside," I say hanging on to her. "And I can't get Austin to open the door."

She snorts and searches for something inside of her purse.

"You should have called me," she said pulling out a key and slipping it inside the key hole. The door swings open.

"How do you have a key?" I ask, stunned.

"I know how forgetful you are. I had it copied the day we were at the mall and you were stuffing your face with a burger. You should really pay attention to things, Riley."

How did I not notice that?

She walks in, leaving me outside still trying to figure out what's going on. I grab my bag off the floor and go inside to find her.

"Why are you here?" I finally ask. It's not typical that she shows up in the middle of the night. I've actually never seen her awake at 3 in the morning. She looks at me with a giddy smile.

"I had good news and I had to share it with my best friend!"

My face must show how annoyed I am with her and the situation of being locked out because I watch as her giddy smile slowly fades.

"It couldn't wait till the morning?"

She rolls her eyes and grabs my hands.

"No Riley! And be glad I didn't wait because otherwise you would have woke up in the halls with students running all over you!"

I sigh and try to get myself to lighten up a bit more. It must be something important if she's this thrilled.

"Okay, okay. You're right, thank you. Now just tell me the news so I can get to bed. I've got a full day tomorrow." 

Not really, I don't need to be up until 2 tomorrow afternoon. But she doesn't need to know that. I'm sleepy and that's all my mind can focus on right now. 

"Riley Madison Evans," she says squealing. I stretch my eyes out to offer my complete attention. Her eyes spark with a light as she speaks. "I'm getting married!"



Hahaha WUT?

Who saw that coming?? 

If this chapter gets 10 comments, i'll post the next chapter today as well!

Let's just say these bad ass best friends are about to end up in a bad ass fight. 

Much love, -// K.L.


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