Chapter 20

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What you don't expect when you walk into a live party is for all eyes to be on you. In a normal scenario of a K.L. party, one would walk in and mix in the crowd of thousands of others, talk for awhile, possibly even dance with their dates, get drunk, and then wait a little bit longer for the one and only Kathrine Lane to walk into the room to thank everyone for coming. But not tonight.

"What's going on?" Cody whispers, grabbing my hand a little tighter.

"I don't know.." I whisper back to him. I don't know what we have done, or I have done, but I can feel the humiliation running quick to my cheeks.

"That's her ladies and gents. The one and only Riley backstabbing Evans!" shouts a voice from the back. I know it a little too well. Amber's petite figure stands beside her boyfriend or shall I say fiance, Ryder in the middle on the crowd, pointing at me. How the fuck am I a backstabber?

"Excuse me?" I ask stepping forward. 

"You heard me," Amber says stepping forward as well. 

"I haven't done anything," I reply to her wit. 

"Oh yeah? Take a look around," she says waving her hand to all the corners of the room. I don't see anything different rather than tall men in uniform. Oh shit.

Those are cops.. 

"I don't.. I don't understand," I say, fear starting to race in my chest. 

"You called and ratted us out. Now we have to be "supervised","

My eyebrows show the frustration I have in my skull. How is this pinned on me? Why would I ever do that? But come to think of it, whoever did it is a pure genius. With all the drugs, booze and PDA that normally goes on, having the cops around will save a lot of innocent lives tonight. 

"I would never do that," I breath out to Amber. She has to believe me. A soft speck hits her and I know she can tell I'm telling the truth. Ryder steps up behind her and places a hand on her back. 

She loses the speck and I lose my hope.

"Everyone says you did so I'm sorry," she drops eye contact with me, then her voice breaks as she says, "but you're going to have to leave." 

Are you serious right now Amber? 

I feel the tears that shouldn't be in my eyes start to trickle into my vision. I look down and quickly run out of the building to save myself from any more humiliation. Who would do this to me? Why would someone do this to me? I am a good person. Never in a million years would I have the balls to call the cops on the biggest party of the year. 

"Riley, wait up!" Cody's voice calls out from behind me. Part of me feels as if I should just keep running and forget this night ever happened, but the other part of me knows I need to stop and talk to my date. 

My feet stop running and I sigh, leaning against the wall of a coffee shop that I've seem to run in front of.  With my lack of oxygen in my lungs, due to the part of "I can't run to save my life", I sink to the ground. I take deep inhales to catch my breath, but I feel sort of light headed. 

A body sinks down next to mine, and without thinking, I lean my head on his shoulder. 

"I know you didn't do it," he says after a moment of silence. 

"I know," I say because he of all people should know I would never. 

"I can't believe her," he says placing a hand behind me and pulling me into him a little more. 

"It's Ryder... He's changed her," I say. My heart hurts as I even consider that a boy can change a person like that. 

"I can tell.." Cody adds.

We sit there in peace because I don't want to move. I don't think I have the strength, even though I know I'd rather be at home, in my bed, watching Netflix and sobbing because now everyone is going to hate me. How am I ever supposed to show my face at school again?



So for all of you that keep up with me, i'd like to thank you. I haven't updated due to all my college work, family stuff, and pain in my heart. FYI I still hate college. It isn't like you think it would be. But, it isn't as bad as it could be. 

My aunt is dying. I've came to this conclusion because she has given up. I stay every other night with her at the hospital, and I've never seen her like this. She is not the person she used to be and she'll never be that person again. She has literally became the walking dead. I believe in God, and I believe in miracles, but also as a Bio major, I believe in science and I believe in medicine and I know when things just won't help anymore. My family and I have accepted it, and yes, it is hard, and no, i'm not going to explain it because it is my life and no one else should have to feel pity for me because I am not one to ask for it. I don't wish to ask for your prayers, but if you do pray, please ask to send her on quickly and not to keep her here in this pain she is in. Thank you for everyone who is sticking with me through this, and I apologize for not being able to keep up with this book like I would like to. I'm working on it and I'll try to update at least once a week. 

Love you guys! 


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