Chapter 21

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There comes a point in all our lives where we feel as if nothing is the same anymore. Fore say, losing your best friend. It's like you knew it was coming, but it has never felt real.

I've never pictured my life without Amber, and clearly I didn't think our friendship would be over just because of a silly fight. I stand defeated though.

"Let's go," Cody says and stands up. I reach up and take his hand. He pulls me in a little closer as we walk back towards the parking lot to find his truck. He doesn't say anything, but I feel like I've ruined everything about this night. He didn't deserve this. He gives me a pity smile as I look up at him.

I look back out into the horizon and realize now how far I actually ran as it appears we're still a couple blocks away. In a way i'm sort of proud of myself. At least I know if I was ever in danger, I do have hope in getting away. 

"RYDER!" A shrieking moan echoes out the ally to our left. I look up at Cody in fear, then release myself from him and jog towards the sound. 

"Yes, yes, YES!" she says again. I stop jogging. Okay, that's disgusting. 

I peak down the ally in spite of what I might see. 

My heart falls to the ground beneath me as Ryder sucks on Amber's neck as she smokes a joint. 

I should've know. 

Drugs? Seriously Amber? Out of all things, drugs? 

Her lips pucker as she inhales the delusional drug. Her teeth show with the smile she lets appears on her face as smoke fills the air in front of her. Ryder pushes her back against the wall and continues making out with her neck. Are you serious right now? Maybe this would be "sexy" if it was a cigarette commercial from the 1960's, but even then i'm still sort of allergic to smoke and would be opposed to it. 

"I'm so glad we blamed it on Riley," Amber says aloud, sucking in another puff of the brain cell killing joint in her hand. 

"Shhh," Ryder laughs while letting up just a little. He moves his hands down her waist. "She deserved it for the way she treats you," he speaks again. 

A hand pulls on my back. 

"Come on, we don't need to hear this," Cody says trying to get me to leave. 

"No," I say and step a little deeper into the ally. 

"I know she does," Amber says picking up Ryder's head and starts kissing him. "Thank you for calling the police for me" 

I can't help but be angered. My reputation is ruined.. I'm fucking ruined... All because I don't treat her "right?" Has she forgotten how has been there with her since the beginning? Through every heart break? Through her parents splitting up and through those crappy days back in high school?

"Thanks.." I say loudly, making both Amber and Ryder jerk their head towards me rather quickly. "I hope you two have a fun time rotting in hell. Maybe God will forgive you for all the sins you've created after you get married, but I can guarantee you I'll never forgive you. Have a fucking nice life."

I couldn't stop my mouth from rambling and I can't believe I actually just said that. I'm not even that religious, but it felt right. I know sins and I know lying is definitely one. Especially under these circumstances. 

My feet don't even try to run this time. I walk away slowly. As slow as my heart desires. Neither Amber or Ryder say anything. Maybe their guilt will eat them alive. 

Cody walks a step behind me until we reach his truck. He then steps in front of me to open the passenger door and shuts it as soon as I climb in. Tonight was supposed to be the best night of my life. I can't believe it has literally turned into the complete opposite. 

"Home?" Cody asks. I nod and watch as the neon lights start racing by. I really wish to be in my bed right now. 

Maybe then I could play this all off as a bad dream.

Cause that's what it has felt like. 

A bad dream that I can't seem to wake up from.

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