Chapter 7

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Government was not as bad as I thought it would be and Chemistry went by like a breeze. I didn't actually know anyone, but I didn't feel as awkward sitting in the class like I used to in high school. The lecture rooms are huge and the professors don't call you out to embarrass you. It's kind of relaxing because it's up to you to pay attention and learn. You pay money to be here and they won't force you to do anything. But I can already see that it's going to be extremely stressful when midterms roll around.

A girl named Kylie sat down beside me in both classes and by the end of Chem, I realized we have potential in being friends and not just because of the similarities in our names.

As we walked home together we discovered we are both in hall C. A coincidence maybe?

"Wait, you live in dorm 23?" she asks me once we get to the door of my dorm.

"Yeah..." I say in suspicion.

"You live in the murder dorm! That is so freaking cool!  I was hoping I would get this dorm because of my future career in the paranormal, but now that I know you live here, that's just as great!  Has anything weird happened? Oh my gosh you have to tell me everything!"

I feel this lump in the back of my throat form. There is one thing I don't fuck around with and that is ghosts. Just the thought has my heart beating three times as fast as it should be.

"Paranormal?" I repeat with big eyes. A murder dorm? As in the dorm we are standing outside of? As in the dorm I sleep in each night? What on earth is this girl talking about? I thought she was cool, but now I'm starting to wonder if I just suck at picking friends.

"Yeah! You're never heard of it? That's all my group leader talked about in fish camp! Your leader didn't tell you?"

I watch how she looks so intrigued in this. She couldn't just be making this up on the spot.

"No.." I say terrified. "I didn't go to fish camp..."

Her face lights up even more and that in general sends a chill down my spine.

"Really?? I have so much to fill you in on then!"

After Kylie gives me the "short" lecture over the stories being told about my dorm room, she laughs and says that she should go. I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding in once she walks away. Maybe I just have magnet glued to my forehead that causes me to attract the girls that talk to much and give me anxiety. She has to be kidding though, right? There is no way 4 murders have taken place in the same room Austin and I live in. It's just a legend and I need to breathe. I would have heard about this before, wouldn't I?

I stand outside the door, but I just can't go in. She should have never told me this. I'm going to start over thinking everything. There is no way I can go back in there. I need to go home. I can't do this living on my own. Plus if I tell my mom about my little trip to the emergency room, i'll be forced to go back home anyways.

"Are you ever going to go inside?" I hear Austin say from behind me. It startles me. I'm guessing his classes just wrapped up as well. Even though I knew it was him, I jumped at his presence when he reached in front of me to open the door.

"Did you hear the murder dorm story?" I ask, still not moving.

"No, but I have a feeling you are going to tell me about it," he says still maintaining his place behind me, but just a little closer than before.

"It's our room. They said 4 people have died here.. I can't go back in.."

It's not so much that i'm scared, well that does have a lot to do with it, but even though I don't know if it's true I can still feel the saddness just speaking about it has caused. I hope Kylie's leader was just trying to scare her. How could someone murder 4 people and the school don't get rid of this section of the dorms?

"I heard something similar to it, but I don't believe it. They're just trying to scare us because we live here," Austin says, pushing me forward and takes my hand from behind, leading me into our dorm. As soon as we're inside, he lets go of my hand and turns to lock both locks on the door. He must be staying home tonight...

He looks down at me. I still hold to what I said the first time I met him. His eyes are so intense that it's intimidating. I look down quickly.

"I've got homework to do," he says and brushes past me to his room. He acts so kind and then he's suddenly so cold. I have so much to learn about him.

Yet I feel like I've already learned so much.

I guess I should do my homework too. One thing hasn't changed since high school and that's the hate I have for the teachers that give you homework on the first day. I only had two classes today and I probably have three hours worth of homework. This makes me not look forward to tomorrow. I can already feel the dread coming on.

"Okay, Chemistry Riley, focus on Chemistry," I tell myself as I grab my Chem book off the floor and open it to section 1. I could really care less about the periodic table. There was a reason I hated back in 10th grade and I can recall the reason I hated it now. I can never remember it. In fact, my chem teacher back then did this thing for the class called the "pear-iodic table" and it was where she would bring pears to class and each time she called out a different line off the table and you recited it back to her without messing up, she'd give you a pear. The person with the most pears at the end on class would get to cut them up and have them on an ice cream Sunday. Don't ask me, I thought it was gross cause who would eat ice cream with pears on it? Most of the students would push them to the side and throw them away without her knowing it. I guess she thought it was funny and somewhat healthy. I give her credit for trying. However, I was the only student that never got a pear. People felt so bad for me that they would give me their pears. It was probably one of my most embarrassing times in high school. I need to somehow learn it this time around.

I tap my pencil on my lip.

Sodium is Na whereas Calcium is Ca. What is Mg?


Okay, so maybe this isn't too hard.

Name these compounds.

a.) CuCl b.) NaF c.) MnO2 d.) FeBr2 e.) Fe2O3

I spoke too soon. What the hell does that mean?

This is why I have headaches.

A loud thud on the wall towards my bathroom suddenly makes me jump out of my seat.

What was that?

I grab my phone off the desk beside me and start walking in the direction of the sound. I'm not going to die without my phone. The suspension grows as I get closer. Is it just in my head? Oh how I hate Kylie right now.

Just as I get to the door of the bathroom the sound appears again.

I take off running without a second thought. I'm out of my bedroom before my tracks can be traced. I run all the way down the hall towards my roommates door.


If i'm going down, i'm not doing down alone.




I don't know why I write these Authors notes. You guys don't even read them. What the hell though? This is the only place I can talk to myself and not look insane soooo I guess that means I'll still be writing them. If any of you do read them, thank you. It actually means a lot. I have some studying to do myself but instead of chemistry, it's biology. I want to be prepared for college on the 31st. Yikes, I'm sooooo not ready. I just realized I say so a lot. wow. nice going Katie. Anyways, much love, don't be a silent reader.

OMG BTW this book is 119 in Short Stories and i'm speechless! It's not even been a week and we're at 1k reads! Thank you my incredible readers! Let's get this book in the top 100's! Keep voting and commenting please!

xoxo-// K.L. 💋

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