Getting Into Action

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Love is War. XD

Dedicated to the following:
@My dear readers

Thank you guys! You are the reason for me to keep going!
Now on to the story! ^___^

Miku's POV

"You understood the plan already?" I asked.

"Yeah." Len nodded.

"Wait, but how are we supposed to communicate and crap?" I asked.

"Ooh! Lemme handle this!" Len stood up excitedly and went to his room. "Be back in a sec!" He called.

I just sat there feeling a bit akward.

"I'm back!" Len announced, although I don't know why. "Tadaa!" He said showing me some kind of tiny thingys (A / N:  The word thingy and thingys is now in my vocabulary XD) that I don't know anything about.

"What are those?" I asked.

Len tapped his chin. "It's like one of those spy movies where it's like a walkie-talkie (A/N: Did I spelled it right?) except you put it in your ear and crap."

"Oh, really?" I said. I didn't exactly understood what he said, but Oh Well.
"Let me try." I got it and put it in my ear and Len did the same.

"I'll go out and Let's try." He said.


He went to go outside. Then he spoke. "Is it working?" I heard him as clear as day.

My eyes widened. Wow, it actually worked! "Yeah. This is awesome!"

Len laughed. "I know, right?"

Then he went back inside.

"Where did you get these anyway?" I asked him as I adjusted the small walkie-talkie thingy. (A/N: I don't know what they call those stuff > ^ <)

"I dunno. I just found it in a random store and I bought it."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah. It'd kinda expensive though."

"Eh? So like, you just wasted your money like that?" I asked I'm disbelief.

"We used it now. So I didn't really wasted my money."

"But what if we didn't use it?" I asked again.

He thought for awhile. "Then I did waste my money."

Them rich kids and wasting their money like a boss. =___= #

"So anyway, Let's get going! We can't waste time." I said as we went outside.

×   •   ×

"Are we really doing this?" Len asked as he walked with me to the restaurant.

"Yeah. Unless you don't want to do this then I'm Fine with that." I shrugged, only focusing on getting my oniichan back.

"No, I Told you, I'm going with you." Len said.

"I know. But you could back out if you want to.." I said, leaving a few hints.

"Nope. I'm staying by your side, Mi-chan." Len smiled.

Fated To Be With (Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now