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Yo people! A new chapter!! Sorry For the late update... T ^ T There's just things bothering me and all.. *glares at school*

This is dedicated to:

@BeMine_Kawaii, @Ra_2511, @OtakuLover15, @BernaCetin, @mikumikulen-lover, @vampiregonecrazy (who followed me) and @theultimateshipper who voted, commented, followed or both voted and commented as soon as I updated. You are all amazing! O o O All of you totally shocked me by your awesome fangirl voting and commenting skills! I would also like to thank @Len_Miku for following and @lonelywolf12 for following, commenting and voting, and @KatrinaKaterski for following! *tries to do a karate stance but failed miserably*

Your all amazing! Thank you! I wouldn't be making this story and made it this far without all of you voting, commenting and reading my story!

Len's POV

"Crap, crap, crap, crap..."

I sat down on the floor After closing the door.

How da hell did dis happened?!
(A/N: And Yes, I did misspelled that on purpose)

It's like yesterday, I just did a weird pose while I was sleeping in my bedroom...

Oh Wait, that was yesterday...

Welp, that was an embarrassing confession.

Okay Len, forget about what you said and focused on the real problem.


(*that means b@$t@rd to Len)


Ugh! What am I gonna do? Does Miku hate me now? Did she hate me for that? And do I have to say that 'sentence' After Miku said she's hungry! Dammit! I couldn't hold it in! I clutched my stressed out forehead. My God, what is really happening to me. I need freaking advice! This is too painful! Merriam Webster's definition isn't helping me. I need someone who could tell me what to do, not a stupid android smartphone app!

"Len, are you Okay?" A voice asked gently, and with a hint of concern, outside the door. I froze. No, of all people I could see today.

"H-hi M-miku." I greeted weakly.

"What's going on? Your acting weird." She said. I could imagine in my head that she's pouting cutely... Ugh! Give me a break with all these stuff!

"I-It's Fine, Im F-Fine. Just.... Eat, O-okay? I didn't e-eat your f-food, I promise..." I stuttered. Then facepalmed. I can't even talk normally to her! What the hell!

"Are you sure? I could talk to you if something's bo-"

"No!" I yelled. She went silent. Stupid Len! Only making things worse! "I-I mean, it's Fine. Im Okay Miku.." I said, trying to be gentle.

"O-okay.." She said. She sounds hurt. Then I heard footsteps fading as if going away.

God Dang it. I feel like a jerk.

Miku's POV

What the heck is wrong with Len?

Just earlier He was stuttering, Then He was yelling at Me. What the hell?

I was quite hurt When He Suddenly yelled Like That. I mean, What Did I Do wrong?

I shook My head. Maybe he's just stressed, that's all...

Fated To Be With (Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now