Tracking Him

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Hello people of this earth! Unless your not from here then your seriously freaking me out you alien! Get outta here and don't you dare conquer the world! Haha, just kidding. Everyone's welcome here! Even aliens! Wait a minute, how did I suddenly get to the topic about aliens? Wow, Im really stupid what am I doing Im getting really off topic.. *mumbles quickly*

Sorry for the kinda late update.. Been busy with school (its exams!!!) and my new fanfic.


I dedicate this story to the following:

Thank you very much!! ^___^

Yukari's POV

I immediately went to an app in my phone and searched in 'Mikuo Hatsune'. His location popped out right away. Perfect.

But, all of a sudden, his location started to fade. Crap!

"Oh no, no, no, no..." I muttered on frustration. "What's up with you..."

Then a thought hit me... What if?

I texted my cousin.

Hey, Miku-chan! Who held the phone, Mikuo or his kidnappers?

I waited for a bit then she replied.

Ugh, crap. I think his kidnappers got it.


They must've noticed my signal. Why does that thing have to alert the owner about me tracking it?!

Oh right, cause that's what it does. It's not one of those secretive talking devices.


I wasn't careful!

It will probably make them angrier that I tracked them.

Crap, crap, crap....

Why are those kidnappers giving me a hard time?


I decided to turn to by laptop. I looked for that app I have. Ah, there it is.

"I should've used this." I sighed to nobody in particular. Not that there's anybody here in my room in Japan.

I searched Mikuo's location. This time, in a private way. One that I'd be able to find out where he is without anyone knowing.

His location popped (A/N : It was pooped before.. LoL! XD) out right away.

I immediately called Miku back, afraid the signal will disappear again. "Hey, Miku-chan! I've got it! The location!"

"Really?" She said, excitedly in the other line.

"Hai!" I said in response. "He's in the street right across from.." (A/N : Blah blah blah, don't wanna give too much details. *too lazy, gomen* T ^ T)

"That's great!" She cheered happily.

"Oh, but don't tell me Miku-chan is going there..."

"Yeah Yukari. I kinda will be going there..." She admitted sheepishly.

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