Promised Land

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Chapter 19:  Promised Land



First of all there is no gender-specific role.

Second of all enjoy.!


Would you believe me if I were to confess to you an extraordinary, esoteric occurrence. That the universe is not a sole entity but a couplet that met at its centrum. If only you paused and pondered for a moment, if the world were just like a two sided coin divergent yet akin in each others destiny? Is that how you incite your present circumstance? Only time will tell...

Now then. Continue on.

He was an unmodifiable, inscrutable omnipresence that had abdicant its every will upon your shoulders; and you had only known this man for an minuscule amount of time. Yes, you recalled the voices that had called to you as you reached out and touched the frosted window,before you knew it you found yourself in front of this man.

Who had called you noisy, bothersome and inelegant as he furrowed his crimson eyes in indignation. He adjusted his glasses as he yanked your body closer until it touched his. You knew the story's of how vampires sucked their victims till dead, and you fret for your life, clutching onto your silver cross. You broke its chain and pushed it at the amused man. He forcefully grabbed your hand and freed the cross.

"Honestly. Do you really believe that those fairy tale written by mortals claiming that vampires are vulnerable to garlic, holy crosses and sunshine?"

You recoiled at his stern voice.

"To think you would fall for such things, you're truly naive." He chuckled and offered his hand.

"But in reality, you're just a fool who does whatever you want and notices nothing, am I right? Oh my, that was quite rude of me."

You knew better than to disregard his cruel altercation after all he meant every part of it. you felt your eyes wheal with tears that were threatening to surge from your eyes.

"What is it.. are crying? It's exactly because of this.. that makes me dislike humans. If you think I'll end this just because you're crying, you are mistaken."

You felt a lone tear leak from your eye sliding down your face gradually. He bent over and detached the single tear from your face with his thumb.

"Now, hurry up and cease crying." He consoled gently.

He turned and muttered, "Good grief, such a bothersome person."

There was that world again bothersome you hated it with all your being.

He let out a long sigh and pull you against his broad chest and stoked your hair silently.

"How gloomy. It can't be helped, I suppose"

He said to more to himself than to you as he continued to stoke your head. As he was delicately brushing your hair from your face his nail cut into your cheek, drawing blood. He stiffed and glanced down at the cut.

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