Chapter 11

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A week later...

Erica took a sharp breath they were going to find Shadow and stop him, she looked next to her and saw Will and Horace. Halt, Gilan and Crowley were els where; and note she protested that, that idea was pigheaded and idiotic. They of course didn't listen, Erica grumbled and Horace turned to her and asked "Are you OK?"

"I said it once, I'll say it again, that this idea is stupid!" She said clutching the rains of her hours. Horace only nodded not know really what to say, because she said this multiple times and he only asked to be nice.

"So Shadow actually has magic?" Asked Will.

"Yeah." She said.

"I thought magic wasn't real." Said Will.

"Oh, it's real all right." She replied. Will and Horace looked at each other and then back at Erica.

After a few minutes of silence Erica asked "OK what's bugging you two?"

"Nothing." Said Will and Horace at the same time.

"Right..." She said rolling her eyes. " how lost are we?"

"Sometimes I forget that your blind and were not lost." Said Horace.

"I know and right of course we aren't that's why you and Will are looking at that map clueless." she said smiling and looking back at him, Horace just shivered. They rode for a few more minutes until Will and Erica's horses stopped dead in there tracks, Erica sat there as still as a statue.

"What's wrong?" Asked Will.

"I....." But before she could finish Shadow said "She thinks she hears something." Will pulled out an arrow and his bow, Horace had a sword and Erica had her bow and arrow. Shadow just shook his head and said "You do know those won't work on me, right?"

"Yeah, but we'll have about a minute before your back." Said Erica.

"That is true, however you know I'm not here to really fight any of you. I'm here after Halt and Halt alone, so I'm going you three a chance to live to see tomorrow." He said.

"We'll never abandon Halt!" Said Will.

Shadow shook his head "Your as stubborn as your father, he never would leave someone to die and that is how he got himself killed." He said looking in Wills direction, Will swallowed hard and his hands began to shake.

Shadow started to laugh lightly, "What's so funny?" Horace asked argyly.

"Nothing really, well since your not going to leave, take your best shot. But when I'm done here, I'll be taking care of Crowley, Gilan and Halt." He said. Will fired an arrow, it sailed through the air once it was right in font of Shadow it split in two. He sliced in two with his sword, when did he draw his sword? That Will franticly.

"You'll need to be a little faster then that." He said looking at Will. This time Horace came at his with his sword pointed straight at his head, Shadow however sliced at Horace horse causing it to fall and Horace went flying off. Will fired another arrow Shadow held his hand and let enter his hand, once in he gust pulled it out let it fall to the ground; knocking him unconscious.

"Nice shot." Shadow said. Erica and Will fired at Shadows but he dogged them easily, he took a step torwards them; then an arrow flew through the air but stopped right before it hit Shadows head.

"You three can come out now." Said Shaodw, turning to Crowley. He flicked his hand and the arrow went flying back right at him, with amazing speed. Crowley dogged it, and an other arrow came flying at Shadow. Once it came five cm away from his head, it disappeared. Shadow truned his head moved his hand, there was a crack and Gilan fell out of the tree with a branch hitting him in the head.

"Now, where is Halt?" Shadow asked looking around. Erica grabbed her dagger and ran towards Shadow, he grabbed her hand and turned she around. He pressed her dagger against her throat. Another went flying through the air and went through Shadows head. Once he let go Eirca ran about a few feet and pulled out her sword, Shadow stood up and pulled the arrow out of his head.

"You know just because I'm immortal, that still hurts." He said turning to Halt.

Halt narrowed his eyes and got ready to fire again. "Well now the show can begin." Said Shaodw. He turned to Gilan and his hand trund a reddish-black and said something in a different language. Then Gilan clutched his head andmhe stumbled backwards, he fell to the ground. Then he stood up and his eyes had a red haze over them, Crowley ran over to him but he pulled out his sword and pointed it at him. Crowley stood there frozen.

"Oh, how I love mind control. Now Gilan kill them." Shadow said. Gilan got into a fight stance ready to attack. As he lowered blade Erica ran forward and blocked his blow, Crowley snapped out of it.

"Listen, You, Will and Halt take care of Shadow. I'll try to break the spell on Gilan."

"No...." Was all Crowley got to say before she said "I didn't start my sentence with 'if you want." So get your moving now! I'll help you when I'm done." She said narrowing her eyes.

Then she and Gilan started to battle, "ok, lets leave them to that and take this fight someplace else, so follow me." Shadow said disappearing into the trees.

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