Chapter 4

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Erica was staying at Halt's cabin, her bed was the couch. Gilan left that night, so he could tell Crowley what has been happening.

In the morning.

Will woke up that morning before Halt, which was unusual. He walked out to check on Erica, but she was gone. He was about to wake Halt and tell him, till he passed the window and saw her outside. He walked out and saw her with a bow and arrow, he just watched her. She got ready to fight an arrow, she pointed it to a tree about hundred yards. She took a breath and shot it, it sailed through the air and hit the tree; with perfect accuracy.

"Morning." She said turning around at Will.

"Um...Morning, when since have you been awake?" He asked.

"Sunrise." She said.

"That long? Don't you need sleep?" He asked.

She laughed a little before answering. "Yeah, but I'm used to it and I love it before sunrise, since I can't see it; I hear it. It's like everything comes alive, and I need to make sure I keep up my skill."

"I just have one question, of your blind how do you fight or shoot arrows for that matter?"

"I listen. I can tell were objects are, like the trees for that mader. I could tell that you came out, because I listen and because you let the door slam shut behind you." She said walking over to the tree and removing her arrow.

"Come in I think we should go in now because I think if Halt wakes up and were gone, he'll probably use us for target practice." Erica said. Will thought for a moment then realized she was right.

Later that day.

Halt was outside on the porch, will was cutting fire wood and Erica was sitting o the grass by Halt's cabin.

"Ok, that's it." She said standing up. Halt and Will both looked up at her. She turned and walked right up to Halt.

"What do you need me to do? I need to do something, I say the only reasons you should be sitting around doing nothing are if your fiscally unable to or your dead." She asked.

"Ok, you could go get water by the stream." Halt said. She nodded and walked off with two buckets. I think I'm going to like have her around, Halt thought as he took another sip of coffee.

Erica found the river and she filled both buckets with water. She picked up both buckets and carried then back.

"Anything else?" She asked Halt, setting the buckets down.

"Yes, you could clean up the cabin a bit more." He said. She nodded, and went inside. Yes, I'm definitely going to enjoy having her around.

In the evening.

"You two should be a little more worried." Said Erica breaking the silence.

"How so?" Asked Halt.

"Shadows the person who said he'll kill you, he isn't just some random guy. One reason he chooses Rangers to kill is because there very hard to kill, but he still does it and he has never made a death threat and not carried it out." Erica said.

"And how do you know this?" Asked Halt.

"I'm sorry but I can't say yet, its still to soon.....I need some air." She said walking out of the room. She sat on the front step and started to ccry again. She felt spirit rub up by her legs. She bent down and picked her up, and cuddled her. She heard the door open.

"I know it might seem weird that I know all this stuff about him, and I don't say why; it's because before he started killing Rangers about a year ago I knew him. I was the only one in my family he didn't kill. He raised me, he taught me how to fight, use weapons, heal wounds and other things. Even though I could tell he was dark, I still lived with him because I owed him my life. I was with him when he killed the first Ranger, I tried to stop him but I couldn't he taught me everything I know and once again he could of killed me but he didn't. That's why we're ever a Range died I was, I was tracking him.....I was trying to figure out a way to kill him." She said turning to Halt and Will. They were both silent, all of a sudden an arrow shot through the trees and hit right between Halt and Will. Erica jumped up, causing Spirit to fall to the ground. There was a piece of white paper, Halt took off the piece of paper and read it to himself; Will was reading it over his shoulder which was rewarded with a glare from Halt.

"Can one of you read it to me?" She asked. No on was answering her.

"Remember Im blind, can someone read it please?" She asked again.

"It ways 'Halt this piece of paper and arrow represent that you have been makes by me. So please keep on your guard form what I heard about you and observed, this will be very interesting......oh please tell Erica that she still needs to work on her swordsmanship still. Oh and don't worry I won't kill you when your sleeping, I do enjoy the thrill of the hunt and please tell your apprentice that he askes to many questions.......signed Shadows." Halt read. Will gulped, Erica clenched her fists.

"With all do respect.......I told you so." She said.

"Does he mean it?" Asked Halt.

"Yeah..........he might be an extremely dark person, with a very twisted mind; but he never lies.....just leaves things out." Erica answer.

Far off in the forest.

"Let the games begin." Shadow said holding with an oakleaf.

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