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A/N: ok I'm writing a Fan fic of Ranges Apprentice, I'll be not following the story line...sort of. But it will be when Will is still an apprentice. Just try to bear with me and try not to kill me b/c of spelling mistakes, gramer, not using the right words, being slow to update e.c.t. So just enjoy...

The forest was silent, a man was running. He jumped into the trees, his horse got killed so he had to run on foot; however he was fast. He fell from the branches do to his sprained ankle, he hid behind a tree; he would fight but his dow and knifes were gone. He saw out of breath, injured and out matched.

"Come on out." Said a dark voice, stepping into sight. The man stiffened, he saw breathing very deeply. Not a sound was made, then he heard foot steps walking; he sighed and looked around no one was there. He got up then felt a hand cover his mouth, and push him to the ground. The man tried fighting back but it was pointless, the attacker was too well trained. The attack slit the man's throat, and stood up; and pulled out a piece of green cloth. Then put were he slit the throat, then he bent down to claim his prize; an oakleaf. The man turned and walked away, holding the oakleaf. Right befor he left he took the edge of the Rangers cloak and cleaned the blood off the dagger, As he was walking away he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, and cross a name off. The next one read Halt, well at least this one should be fun he man thought. He started laughing as he walked away into the twilight.

A/n: ok yes this guy is creepy and I probably shouldn't have wrote this at night, yes I know it was shot but I want to thank RangerGwendolyn again. So goodnight all (or day depending were you are.) Now excuse me while i turn on my lights and check under my bed and in my closet.

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