Chapter 9

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A few days later...

Erica walked outside and found Will sitting on the grass, she walked up to him and sat down.

"How's your shoulder?" She asked.

"It's been better, still sore and thank you again your patching it up. How's Gilan and Halt?" Will asked.

"Halt? He's OK, but he is stubborn as a mule...don't tell him I said that and Gilan should he ok. Now that I think about it all Ranger's are stubborn and I'm no better." Erica said.

Will laughed, "If Halt heard you say that he use as target practice, and he will probably throw you in a river."

"Throw me in a river? That's OK, I'm a good swimer." Erica replied with a smile.

They sat in silence for a few minutes then Erica asked "Alyss, you like her don't you?"

"Um............" Will Replied.

"I take that as a yes." Erica said with a smile, Will just blushed and looked down.

"Well isn't this sweet?" Asked a dark voice form behind a tree. Erica and Will both jumped up and looked at Shadow.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Erica with venom in her voice.

"Oh come on, can't I just pay a visit to the reminder of my family?" He asked. Will's eyes winded.

"Family?" He asked.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" Said Erica pulling out a small dagger form her boot.

"Ok, I'm just here to deliver a message; the final battle is going to happen sooner then you think." He said before disappearing.

"What did he mean by family?" Will asked.

"He' father." Erica said looking down. Will just looked and and walked off, leaving her alone.

A/N: ok how did you like this? Leave a comment and did you guess that Shadow is her father? Also I'm changing his name form Shadows to Shadow, difference no S.

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