Chapter 3

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At Halt's cabin:

Eric sat there with her arms folded, Gilan paced the floor, Halt sat there sipping a cup of coffee and Will saw out to tell Baron Arald. No one was speaking, the only noises was Gilan's paceing, Halt drinking coffee and Erica's breathing.

"Will you stop paceing?" Said Erica to Gilan. "It's very annoying." Gilan ignored her and kept pascing.

"I don't see why Spirit has to wait out side." Erica said. No one was answering her, she just groaned and slumped in the chair.

About an hour later Erica said "Will's back with someone else." They both looked at her, because they didn't hear anything; but five minutes later Will came in with Arald.

"Told you." She said under her breath.

"Ok now who is the person who has been killing Rangers?" Asked Gilan.

"Hold on a second, if I tell you I would like somethings in return." She said.

"What is that you want?" Asked Arald after saying hi to Halt.

"Two things...
1. I really don't want to go to prison, so you forget what I did and let me go.
2. I would like to help you." She said. Everyone's facial expression was black.

"Can someone answer me, because I'm still blind." She said pointing at her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Asked Halt.

"Sigh, I would like to help you find the man who has been killing Rangers, and go free; what part of that do you not understand Sparkles?" She said. Everyone in the room stopped, Will bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. Gilan who was trying to drink coffee at the time, started coughing, Arald covered his mouth to hid a smile; and Halt sat there with an unreadable exasperation. No one said anything after a few minutes, Erica was sitting there the whole time just smiling.

"Can I talked to you two out side?" Asked Arald, to Halt and Gilan. They walked out but once they opened the door Spirit (her wolf) came running in. Erie started laughing, as Spirit hoped up on her lap. Once Halt, Arald and Gilan were out side; Erica looked at Will.

"What?" Asked Will after a few seconds of her staring.

"I was wondering what is your name?" She asked.

"Will and yours?" He answered.

"Erica, do you have a last name?" She asked.

"I don't know it." He answered.

"Oh...I'm sorry." She said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well since you don't know your last name, I figured you don't know your parents." She answered.

"Wow, how can you just know things like that?" He asked.

"Sorry but I don't like giving away all my secrets at once." She said. Then the door opened and the three of them came in, Halt sat down. Arald walked over to her but be for he could say anything, Erica jumped on the chair; she pulled out her dagger and threw it. But once she did an arrow went flying threw and the dagger hit it causing it to brake; and if she didn't through the dagger the arrow would have gone right through Halt's head. Everyone just stood there speechless, even Halt couldn't say anything.

"How...." Began Gilan.

"I might be blind, but I probably have better hearing then all of you put together; and I can use practically any weapon..." She said sitting down. "...and don't worry he is running away right now to figure out a new plan to kill you."

"How..." Began Arald.

"I can hear him running away and I know him; I know how he thinks." She said shivering.

"Are you ok?" Asked Will because Erica started shaking.

"Y....eah, I'm....fine." She said.

"Ok we decided that if you help us catch the guy, you'll get freedom; but Will is going to be your...." Arald started to say.

"He will be my guard because you don't trust me yet, do you." She said.

"Yes, now who is...." Started Gilan.

"The guy who has been killing Rangers? Well if you mean what is his name? That's a hard question to answer, he gave up his real name. He said 'it was pointless to have a name someone could call you, if humans just die.' But if you really want to call him something, you could call him Shadows." Erica said.

"How do you know so much about him?" Asked Will.

"I....." She began but then she just started crying, her head was in her hands. Spirit pawed at her, Everyone in the room didn't know what to do.

After about a minute Erica wiped her eyes and started talking again. "I'm sorry.......The reason why I know him is because......." Then she just started crying again. Everyone still didn't know what to do, Arald left; and it was Will's job to find out more about Erica.

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