Chapter 5

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A/N: the picture is Shadows, but he doesn't have a Bird and he has more then one weapon.

With Gilan (at sunset):

Gilan was on his way to Crowley still, when the sun started to set; he was tried but couldn't help the feeling that someone is following him. He kept turning around, but there was nothing. He sighed and continued on, but then he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck. He reached around and pulled out a small dart, then he started feeling dizzy, his vision started to blur and then he felt someone pull him off his horse; the last thing he saw was a dark figure bent down next to him then everything went black...

When Gilan opened his eyes he could see it was pitch black. He tried to move his arms but they were tied, so were his feet and legs; this was do to the fact that he was tried to a tree. His eyes started getting used the dark, he made out trees and then he heard rustling from behind. Then a man came out from around the tree, he was tall and wearing a black cloak.

"I see your awake." He said darkly. He bent down so he was looking at Gilan in the eyes, but all Gilan could see was the bottom part of the man's face; but that was covered by a mask. Gilan couldn't say anything because he was gagged. He just stared at him for a few moments, then he stood up and walked away a few feet.

"You probably want to see a bit more." He said, he making a small fire and then lighting a lantern. Thing did get a brighter. The man turned back to him and bent down again; he pulled out a small dagger.

"I'm going to take the gag off but, if you start screaming for help..." He said pressing the blade to his throat "...well I'm sure you could figure it out." He said putting the blade down. Then he pulled down the gag so it hung around his neck.

"Your scared, I know that look in your eyes." He said picking up the blade again and pressing it against Gilan's neck. The truth was, Gilan was terrified.

"I'm sure you already know who I am, right?" He asked.

"Your......Shadows." He said remembering what Erica said about him.

"Correct, Gilan..." He said, Gilan had become even more scared now. "...oh don't worry, I'm not going to kill you for a while. Well
unless you want me too or you just really start to annoy me."

"What do you want form me?" Gilan asked.

Shadows laughed and said "I'm not going to tell you just yet, but hold on; because you are a part of my plan. Now I just have to wait for Halt to make his move." He said getting up. Gilan took a deep breath, he needed to figure out how to escape. His mind was racing.

"Oh, please don't try to escape; it will make life a lot easiet for you." Said Shadows taking the lantern and moving it closer to Gilan.

"This will only hurt for a few seconds," he said taking the dagger and making a small cut across Gilan's palm. Gilan stiffened when he felt the coldness of the blade and the sharp pain.

"There..." he said letting the some of the blood brip on to an arrow. "...that wasn't so bad."

He moved away and just disappeared into the shadows around them. Gilan tried to hear were he was, but the only sound he heard was his breathing and the wind. His vision started to blur again, then all he saw was black.

At Halt's:

Halt sat alone in the kitchen looking at the note and the arrow Shadows sent. He turned it over and realized something about the arrow it was one of Gilan's! He looked at it closely and saw there was dried blood on it. He turned the arrow around and found a part of the arrow fell off, on the back of the piece a note was tied. Halt took the note and read it. He after wards he crumbled it up and threw it into the fire.

The note read this "I want to just let you know, I do have Gilan and yes that is his blood. But I won't kill him just yet, unless he gives me reason too; but other than that I promise I won't kill him. I have made me move; I'm sure you know the game of chess. Well let's just say I took one of your knights, don't worry I have no interest in taking your Queen; unless you give me reason to Prince Halt. Yeah I know about that, a thing that you should know about me is I always find out every thing there is to know about my pery. So your highness its your move, and a fair warning I never lost a game of chess and no matter who my pery I always kill it......signed Shadows." Halt sat back down and took a deep breath, he was trying to hide his worry; Shadows kenw a lot about him. But he had to make his move, he had to find him.

Back with Gilan:

When he woke up again he saw that the fire was out and the only light was that of the lantern by him. He looked around Shadows was no were in sight, it was still dark out. He tuged at the ropes, since it was tied very tight it did sting. He was able to get one of his hands loss, but he stopped once he heard rustling. He truned it was just a bird, he let out a breath and he turned his head; and right in front of him was Shadows.

"I see your awake again, I should have told you before that I poised you. Oh nothing deadly, just something to keep you form fighting back." He said. He stood up and walked away, it was still dark but Gilan could tell he got something form a bag.

"Here..." he said tossing an apple towards him. He untied one of his hands but he held it tight.

"Now I'm going to let your hand go, but if you try to escape the hand will come off. Do you understand me?" He said looking right into Gilan's eyes. Gilan nodded slowly.

"Good." He said letting his hand go. Shadows walked away and he leaned against a tree. He pulled out a small book, his eyes were cast down. But yet somehow Gilan knew he was watching his every move. When Gilan was done, Shadows came back over and tied his hand back up and then went back to his book. Gilan already felt tried again, what ever Shadows poisoned him with it was taking an effect quickly; and once again his vision started to blur and then everything went black again.

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