Chapter 6

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With Halt:

Will and Erica were out side, Halt was inside trying to figure out what he should do. If he went to try to find Gilan but Will and Erica would come; but somehow he knew that if he did go Will and Erica would not be enough. He took a deep breath, Shadows probably already knew what he was going to do. He had no clue what he should do. Will came in and went up to Halt, even though Halt is very good at noticing things he didn't notice Will because his mind was racing.

"Halt are you OK?" Asked Will worried. As ushel Halt didn't answer that question.

"I'm going to meet Alyss, George, Jenny and Horace. Erica said she is going to come. She also said Shadows definitely will not attack right now." Will said. Halt just nodded. Will walked out, he knew something was bothering Halt.

"Are you OK?" Erica asked Will.

"I am not sure, something is wrong with Halt I think." Will answered.

"Yeah, I think you might be right. But the there is something that is bugging me." She said.

"What?" Asked Will.

"Well Shadows always sends two notes but the other one is hidden...." She said trailing off.

"Maybe we should get going." Said Will.

"Yeah." She said, whistling for her horse to come over.

With Gilan:

When Gilan opened his eyes again it was morning, he was still in the forest. He didn't see Shadowa anywhere, his hand was still loses. He tuged again and loosened a little more, he did it again and this time he was free he untied his other hand but then a hand went over his mouth and a dagger was pressed against his throat.

"I thought I told you not to try to escape." Said Shadows. Gilan stood still, and when Shadows took his hands off his mouth. Gilan grabbed Shadows arm that was holding the dagger and he tried to take the dagger but with his other arm reached over and grabbed Gilan's other arm and twisted it. Gilan let go and let out a scream of pain.

"That was stupid Gilan, very stupid." Shadows said. Twisting Gilan's arm even more, Gilan screamed agin. With Shadows other hand stuck dagger right by his throat. And let go of his arm, and put the gag back over his mouth. He tied his arms again, even tighter this time. He took back his dagger, and slaped Gilan with the blade. Leaving a long cut, that stung like all hell.

"I told you before how I poised you..." He said tilting Gilan's head upward. "...well I just did it again, but this poison will make you very sick. I did warn you, so you shouldn't blam me." He said. Gilan just groaned.

"Your pathetic, I actually half expected you to try to escape. But I thought you would have put up much more of a fight." He said letting Gilan's head go. Gilan looked up and kick out his legs causing Shadows to be knocked off his feet. When he hit the ground his mask fell off. When he looked up at Gilan, Gilan eyes widen.

"Surprised?" Asked Shadows darkly with a smile. Shadows moved his hand upward, Gilan started chocking. When he put his hand down Gilan could breath normally again. Shadows picked up Gilan's head and stared right into his eyes.

"Remember how I said that I was you were scared, well I was mistaken; your terrified. All because I have Red eyes, and maybe because of this scar." He said touching the scar that ran across his left eye.

"Now I'm going to tell you this one more time, please don't try to escape again; or you will lose more then your hand." He said bending down and tied his feet up.

"And just to be sure you don't go free again." He said as he ran his hand along the rope. All of a sudden the robe turned pitch black and Gilan's eyes widened.

"What you never heard of magic and sorcery?" Shadows asked smiling. Shadows turned and pick up his mask and put it back on.

"Now, I'm going to warn you this is going to hurt a lot." Said Shadows holding his dagger to were he cut him across his face. Gilan stiffened, but Shadows removed it and slashed Gilan's chest. He took it out and whipped it off this the edge of his own cloak. He just left Gilan there. Gilan just sat there breathing deeply, and he closed his eyes.

With Will and Erica:

(A/N: I want everyone to know something, WILL AND ERICA ARE NOT A COULPE! I REPEAT THEY ARE NOT A COUPLE! Just good friends...)

Will and Erica were riding towards the castle, where they were to meet up with Alyss, Jenny, George and Horace.

"What should I tell them when they ask who I am?" Erica asked Will.

Will thought for a few moments, "tell them your a friend of another Ranger and you were in the kingdom, and you had a message to deliver to Halt."

"Wow, thats a good idea and I'm not such a bad acter." She said smiling. When they got to the spot where they were meeting everyone else. Alyss, Jenny and George were already there. Will road up and Erica right behind him. When they got off Erica introduced herself and they began eating.

"So Erica why were you with Will?" Asked George.

"Oh because, I'm a friend of a Range and I told him that I was coming here and he had a message for me to deliver." Erica said calmly with a light smile.

"I wonder were Hoarse is?" Asked Jenny looking around.

Erica looked up and said "I think he is on his way." They looked at her and then about two minutes later he came.

"Will!" He said urgently.

"What? Is there something wrong?" He asked looking at his friend.

"Yes, Baron Arald told me had to tell me about Halt but he received this." He said handing Will a note. Will read it and gasped in shock.

"Will what's going on?" Asked Alyss. Will took a breath and explained the whole thing.

"Why didn't you tell us that before?" Asked Jenny.

"Because I told him I thought it was a bad idea, to just going around telling people. Not that he doesn't trust you guy's it's just that the person who is out there will not stop till he has achieved his goal. He doesn't care who dies or if they are completely innocent, but I do. So blame me for him not telling you." Said Erica seriously. They looked at Will and then Erica.

"We have to get back." Said Will, Erica nodded.

"Baron Arald said I should come too." Said Horace.

"I'm coming to." Said Alyss.

"No, its too dangerous." Horace said.

"Im a diplomat, and if he is from a foreign country; It's my reasonability to help." She said.

"Ok, come on." Said Erica.

"Great, I'll be right back; I just need to tell Lady Paulien." She said running off.

"What why did you say she could come, didn't you just say...." But before Horace could finish Erica cut him off.

"I could tell that arguing would be pointless and we could always use another set of eyes." Said Erica.

With Halt:

Halt was riding Abelard, towards were Gilan would have been when he was riding go see Crowley. 

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