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A/N- Yo people! I know I haven't updated. Things were a little messed up and this chapter is dedicated to my best friend Pankti. Hope we get back together soon. Just pray my life gets sorted soon and I keep updating faster. I love all of you for your support! So here's an interesting chapter. Please gnore the grammatical mistakes. It's unedited. Sorry.


I felt lonely during the day. Shane had left to fix his car. I took a bath and had breakfast. I spent the rest of the day watching The Proposal. The door bell rang in between.

"Hi!"Gabe and Driz squashed me as usu


"So what have I being missing at school?"I asked.

"A lot!"Driz exclaimed.

"All the good things happen when I skip school," I grumbled.

"You know Riv and Dean started dating?"asked Gabe.

"No! That bitch hasn't even informed me,"I whined.

"Don't cry! And yes Riv's concert was just amazing! She has gone on a date with Dean today so she couldn't make it," Gabe informed.

"Alright. I'm happy for them," I smiled.

"And you know Riv proposed her in front of all the people in the concert itself!" said Driz.

"Wow! That's so cool! That girl has guts!"

"I know and what's up with you and Shane? Any interesting stuff?" Driz bit her lip.

"God! Okay fine! I like him and that's true," I finally confessed. I couldn't hide anything from them.

"So you must propose!" Gabe said it like a girl. Wow! she's been taking this girly thing too seriously.

"No I can't. He said he likes another girl," I grimaced.

"Awwww... Don't worry. He'll come back to you," Driz hugged me.

"It's alright now. Let's concentrate on Gabe,"I told them.

"Yes! Step one: Throw of all your old clothes!" Driz said.

"Step two: Start wearing your lenses from tomorrow!" I continued.

"Step three: Learn to wear heels. It's not very necessary but you have to stun him at the very first look!" Driz continued.

"Step four: Make up. Well, that isn't necessary, too. You are naturally pretty. Just lipgloss will do." I mentioned.

"Step four: Wax!" Driz said walking past her.

"Guys! I am not going to wax!" Gabe intervened.

"What? You haven't waxed in your entire life?" I was shocked.

"No, that sticky wax thing sucks. And it's hot and painful!"she scringed her nose.

"Wow! You're the eighth wonder of the world I guess," I chuckled.

"Let's begin!" I told Driz.

We plucked her eyebrows and waxed her arms and legs. This was all we could do at home. She put on her lenses. I gave her some heels, painted her nails and applied some lipgloss. Her hair was just fine.We didn't have to work over it. We were done with our work.

"Can I see?" she said, excited.

"Sure!" I turned the mirror towards her.

"Whoa!" she exclaimed. "You two can do something amazing," she nodded.

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