"Now Your Little Party's Gonna End"

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Hiya! thank you for all the voted and reads :3 please continue to do so! gives me a lot of inspiration! haha so here's the chapter xD >>>>


:- Kaitlyn -:

Two more hours. Two more and I'm meeting Matt at the nearest airport. My minds been anywhere but here. I couldnt stop thinking about him. I couldnt wait to feels his arms around me again, feel his lips on mine, and feel loved by him. He's really changed, and I could tell just by text. It shows that he really loves me. Maybe he was just being stupid that day...maybe I just don't give him enough..

"Kat? Helllloooo." Austin waved his hand in my face snapping me from my thoughts once again.

"Oh sorry. Yeah?"

"We're going out to eat before we have a bonfire, which is in 2 or so hours from now. Want to come with us, or do you just want to stay here?" I though about it for a minute, but decided against it.

"Nah, not today Aus. I'm gonna stay here and just chill with Jamie." I know I really won't, but I have to say I'm going to do something with someone or else he'll start worring thinking somethings up.

"Oh...alright. We'll see ya when we get back okay?" I saw the others head out the front door from here in the back lounge.

"Yeah, ok. See ya bro." He ruffled my hair before heading off. I didn't even bother to fix it like I usually do, I just laid on the couch barring my head in a pillow. It seems as the minutes pass by I start to question if I want to tell Austin about Matt. I didn't want Austin to go all over protective on me. I love my brother, but I mean like really? Thats the one thing I hate about him. His over protectiveness.

My phone woke me up from my slumber. I hadn't even realized I fell asleep. My poor mind must be tired of thinking, I know how it feels. Checking my phone and saw I had a missed call from Matt. Frowning I call back sitting up, going to check myself in the mirror.

"Hey babe." I saw my smile in the reflection brighten at the sound of his voice.

"Hey, why'd you call?" I put the phone on speaker, taking my hair out from it's pony tail brushing through it. I decided to just keep it natural, my waves were actually really pretty today.

"Just wanted to call and tell you I am currently in the air flying to Mississippi." I bit my lip to stop from squealing.

"I can't wait to see you! I'll see you soon babe!' I did a little happy dance in the small bathroom.

"See you soon. I gotta go babe. Love you." My heart swelled.

"I love you too." But it felt foreign as the words left my lips. It didn't feel right saying those four little words for some reason. The line went dead and so did my thoughts. I am so far from confused its not even funny. What is with my feelings now a days! I sigh deeply spinning around, stopping in my tracks.

"Who was that?" Jamie asked leaning against the door frame.

"N-No one. Why are you here?" I slowly place my phone into my pocket.

"Austin came by asking me if we were really going to 'hang out.'" Jamie air quoted. "I said I had no clue we were going to hang out, making plans behind my back now eh?" It was a rhetorical question. "So, who was that and whats going on? Everything all right?" Jamie's eyes studied me, searching mine.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine. And since you're here now, lets go and get something to drink, huh?" I brushed passed him expecting him to follow in suit.

"Sure, once you tell me who that was." I groaned turning back around to face him. He came up plopping down on the couch. "Go ahead, take a seat. Lets talk." Okay, now he just sounds like my dad. Sighing I take a seat beside him. He sat there patiently waiting for me to talk, eventually I gave in under his stare.

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