"The Flood"

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hey sorry haven't updated in a while... :/ but here's the story! sorry if its short. oh and READ THE END!! IT IMPORTANT SO AFTER READING THE CHAPPIE READ MY LITTLE AUTHOR NOTE, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT! any ways enough of that! here ya go>>>>


:- Alan POV -:

Since we were ordered to stay inside the bus, because of a small flood, I was stuck to only think about one thing. Kaitlyn. How could I not? Kaitlyn sat beside me, looking beautiful as ever, with that small smile on her lips as she watched Austin and Phil play their games. Every once and a while she'll laugh at Austin for dying. Her laugh was to die for..

'Ugh I really need a smoke!' I groaned to my self letting my head fall back to the couch.

"You okay?" I peeked open one of my eyes, Kaitlyn's brows were drawn together.

"Ye-Yeah. Tired." I lied closing my eye.

"Good luck with that. These guys are loud." She giggled, turning to her brother laughing in his face that he died. yet again.

"I could only try." I got up heading to my bunk. As I was about to get in I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned my head just in time for Kaitlyn to advert hers. I grinned climbing into my bunk, laying on my bare stomach.

Finding my phone I decide to check Instagram and Twitter. I don't know how long I was on my phone but it must have been a long time.

"Hey man. Come on we're eating." Aaron opened my curtain.

"Yea sure be down in a second." After shutting my phone off I hop back down, turning to the front lounge where Kaitlyn looked as pale as ever. What happened?

:- Kaitlyn POV -:

I stared blankly at the plate in front of me. How I wanted to eat it so bad, but there was that little tiny voice in my head..

'Don't eat... eating means gaining weight.. you don't want that. You're already fat enough. Save the horror of people seeing you any fatter.'

The words echoing in my head, a constant reminder not to eat.

"Kaitlyn. You going to eat?" Austin nudge my shoulder looking at me worriedly.

"I'm not hungry. I had a huge meal to eat before warped. I'm still stuff." I lied sinking down in my seat patting my stomach. But of course my stomach had to betray me by growling.

"You say you're full but your stomach says other wise." Austin pointed to my stomach with his fork. God dammit. Ugh... I can't believe i'm about to do this.

"I swear it wasn't before! Haha!" I put on a fake smile picking my fork up with all my strength. I squeezed my eyes shut taking a bite. Omg i'm gonna throw up.

20 horrific minutes later I went through half the plate. I literally can't eat anymore.

"I'm full..." I chocked out pushing my plate away from me. I need to go to the bathroom!

"That's it? That's barely anything." Barely anything! Bitch that's a lot!

"Well... that's a lot to me." My stomach turned making me clench my stomach.

"Kaitlyn?" Tino looked at me warily.

"Hmm?" I clenched my stomach again. I could feel it. It's coming back up.

"You ok?"

"Yea, cramps." I lied yet again. Austin kept going on forcing me to finish the plate.

"Austin.. I-i'm not hungry."

"Bullshit. I've seen you eat more! You used to eat like a guy for god shake." I flinch at the old memories. It's true I used to eat like there was no tomorrow. Just thinking of it makes me want to puke.

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