"Meeting With A Vampire"

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yea, this is late .-. but like I said in my last chapter they'll get a tad slow. but don't worry only like three more weeks (at the most) till my chapters go back to it's normal update. And don't ask about the title... idk why I chose it. I only chose it cuz it has meeting in it, and I kinda liked it and it was the only thing I could come up with .-. anyways! enjoy >>


"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" Davhie stood up, taking me with him. I was utterly speechless. Stood right before me was one of my heroes.

"Uh-uh. Hi. Hi. Hey." Wow way to make a fool of yourself Kaitlyn!

"Haha! Sorry for falling on to you. Jayy here can be a bit ruff." Davhie nodded his head back to the tall tattooed man behind him. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. My mouth kept opening and closing, nothing coming out.

"Dude. I think you broke her." Jayy looked at me warily.

"N-no! Uh I mean no. No he didn't. Just uh- I need to get back to my brother..." I was about to leave when I realized I was still surrounded by groups of people. "On second thought... i'll just uh stay right here..." I fiddled with my fingers, biting the inside of my cheek.

"We'll help you find him. Who's your brother?"

"A-Austin Carlile."

"That's who you remind me of!" Jayy snaps his fingers, smiling. My brows drew together.


"Oh, you just look like him. Well not really. but there's something about your face that just instantly reminds you of him."

"Oh, yea. I used to get that a lot." I cross my arms over my chest, a sign that I'm uncomfortable.

"Come on, lets find Austin." Davhie takes my hand guiding me through the crowd, Jayy's hands on my shoulders keeping me in pace with Davhie.

we made it to what I assume is the meeting spot. There was at least over 100 bands here. Yep, gotta love warped.

"Ok, where's that tall fellow." Jayy scanned the crowd of people, his hands never leaving my shoulders.

"Hey, let's just go sit down and wait till the manager starts collecting all the bands." Davhive then took me to there table, there name in front of the table in its signature look. "You can have my seat." He lets go of my hand, Jayy pushing me down on the seat.

"Pushy." I mutter earning their chuckles. I can't believe I'm setting beside my heroes. let alone in a room full of them! the perks of having a brother in a band.

:- Austin POV -:

I don't know, but something was wrong. I don't know, I just had this weird feeling that something was missing...

"Austin! Alan! Guys! Hey!" Vic came over dropping his arms over Alan and mine shoulders.

"Hey man! how's it going?" I asked, Tino, Phil, and Aaron greeting with Mike Tony and Jamie.

"Ah, dude it's great! Last night was hectic! Damn, that storm lasted all night!" In sudden realisation I whip around making Vic's arm fall. "Whoa what's up?"

"Kaitlyn!" I didn't see her. She's not there. Oh fuck where'd she go!

"Uh oh.." I heard Alan mutter. Yea uh oh alright! Kaitlyn doesn't do good in big crowds!

"Kaitlyn! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I kept spinning in circles like a dog chasing its tail.

"Alright! Every band member please head toward the tables! We'll start our meeting now!" Oh no. No, no!

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