"I Wont Give Up"

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So here you go ;) hope you enjoy! >>>


-2 weeks later-

Surprisingly these two weeks have gone by smoothly, I've gotten along with everyone perfectly, but I think I got along with Alan better. We just seemed to have just.. clicked. The guys are all such a blast, they really are. Its kinda sad to say that they're my only friends so far on this tour because I refuse to go out and mingle with other people. Though K know i'm going to have to considering Austin is making me be merch girl. Little bastard.

"Kat!" My older brother called for me from the back lounge distracting me from the movie me and Alan were watching.

"What!" I hollered back, not wanting to get up.

"Can you bring me a monster please!!" I scuffed under my breath,

"Get it yourself i'm not your maid! I'm trying to watch a movie here!"

"PLLLLEEAAASSSEEEE!!!!" He whined yelling at the top of his lungs.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" I yelled just as loud. I could hear the other guys laughing from either in their bunks or in the back with Austin.


"GET SOMEONE ELSE TO GET IT FOR YOU!" I turned back to the movie only to see Alan trying to hide his laughter. "What are you laughing at gingy?" I jokingly sneered.

"Huh? What? What are you talking about? I would never laugh at you Kitty." My heart fluttered a bit when he called me by his nickname he gave me. He was the first person to call me that.. Before I could make a remark I hear Austin again.

"HEYY MY GINGER PRINCESS!!!!! CAN YOU GET ME A MONSTER! PRETTY PLEASEEEE!!!" I busted out laughing and not even trying to hold it in. Alan groaned. "PLEEAAASEEE! I LOVVVEEE YOUUUU!" I fell off the couch and onto the floor, rolling and laughing.

"FINE!" He got up stepping over me, but before he left to got the back he kicked me, lightly, in the butt muttering colorful words. I calmed down enough to crawl back on the couch my sides aching from laughing to hard. Alan came back glaring at me the whole way.

"Oh come on. I didn't mean it!" He frowned taking a seat on the other couch. "Awe, no need to sit away from me! Come on, turn that frown up side down." He didn't even flinch. Just sat there and glared/frown at the wall, his face pointing away from mine. I began to feel guilty. Wow, nice going Kaitlyn. At least he was nice enough to TRY and hold it in.

"Awe Alan I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset." I moved beside him, placing my arms around him. Whats this feeling in my stomach? "Hey, i'm sorry gingy." I pouted laying my head in the crook of his neck. Still he refused to talk. "Allaaannnn i'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad. Please forgive me.." I whimpered a little and hugged him closer to me. "Buddy... gingy.. Alan.." Nope nothing. "Please talk to me! I'll do anything!" That some how got his attention.

"Anything you say?" He got that devilish smirk on his face.

"Uh.. yes?" He smirked wider.

"Kiss me." My eyes widened and my heart rate quickened. "I mean on the checks. Not like that." Part of me was relieved, but something in me wished he meant it for real. I laughed it off. His done this three times now.

"Is this a thing now?" I giggled.

"It can be." He smirked.

"So whenever you're mad at me I just have to kiss you on the cheeks for you to forgive me." He sharply nodded his head once, his brown eyes glowing. I laughed turning his head with my hand. I leaned in about to kiss his cheeks when someone barged in calling Alan's name making him turn his head....

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