Chapter 1

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Today's the day. I just left my parents house and now I'm headed to San Francisco. Yep I'm gonna make it on my own.

Last month there was a contest and the prize is that you get sign to a modeling company. I didn't wanna do it at first but my friends convinced me to do it. So this month I found out I won.

So now I'm moving. I'm driving my car and the movers are coming tomorrow since they're so busy. 

I know what your gonna say. " why didn't you fly".  Well one my car and two my parents are rich she we bought furniture and everything so they said to just out it in a moving van and someone will drive it over.


So I just got to Cali but I'm kinda lost. I think my GPS is broken because I'd been going in a circle for 20 minutes. I finally found a rest stop so I pulled over to freshen up, pee, and get food.

I had on sweat pants and a hoodie. So I grabbed my purse which also had clothes and toiletries. I got out and saw a huge bus with two guys and a few girls in front.

But I continued to do what I needed.

Myles pov

"Aye bro did you just see that girl that walked pasted" I asked kalin

"Nah bro what she look like" he asked

"She looked beautiful even I sweats. She had blonde hair blue eyes I think she looked perfect she had a huge but and some big boobs" I said whispering the last part

"Finnish signing so you can go meet her" he whispers

"Alright sho will" I smiled

Hanna's pov

I walked in and headed to the bathroom. I quickly did my makeup then changed. I changed into a light pink tank top with some high waisted shorts.

Inside the stall of course. I grabbed my stuff and walked back out to my car. I put on my hat and switched my shoes.

I once again grabbed my purse and went back in for food. I stood in line for McDonalds. There were like three others in front of me.

It was finally my turn.

"Hi welcome to McDonald's what can I get you" the lady asked

"Hi can I get a fruit salad along with a medium coffee please" I asked

"Yes that will be 8.29" she said

I nodded and pulled out my wallet.

"Thank you" she said

I looked up confused as ever. Then I noticed the guy next to me.

"Here's your receipt your number 400" she said hanging me the paper.

I thanked her and walked to the guy who paid for my food.

"Hi I'm Myles Parrish " smiled

"Hi Myles in Hanna star thanks for paying for my food but you didn't have to" I said hanging him a ten dollar bill

"No keep it I bought that you" he said

"Well thank you how could I repay you" I said kissing his cheek

"Well how about I take you out" he said

I thought about it for a second.

"Where are you from" I asked

"The bay" he said

"Then yes I'll let you take me out" I said

"Ok well her out your number in" he said and handed my his phone

I nodded and handed him mine as well. I put my number in and saved me under Hanna Edwinson✌🏼😍🔥. Then I took a picture for my contact photo.

"400" the woman shouted

"Alright well I'm text you" he said then kissed my hand

"Wait... Hold on" I said

He stood there while I grabbed my food. Then I walked back.

"What's up" he asked

"Well see I'm for Miami and I drove over here but My GPS broke and I'm lost now" he said embarrassed

"Alright you follow me" he said

I nodded and followed him out to his tour bus.

"Guys this is Hanna star she's is going to follow us because her GPS broke" he announced

"Ok" everyone agreed

"Wassup Hanna I'm Kalin White" a tall boy said

"And I'm Jake Parrish Myles's brother" I shorter boy said

"Hi guys nice to meet you"

"Same to you" they said

"Guys lets get ready to roll" some guy said

"How about I ride with you" Myles suggested

"Ok" I said

"Would you like me to drive" he asked

"Um sure that's be great now I can eat" I said

"Me too" Jake said

"Wait I wanna go too... Wait where are we going" Kalin asked

"We're riding in my car" I said

"I'm in" he said

"Let's go" I said

"Hey guys we're gonna follow behind out in Hanna's car" Kalin shouted

Stay With Me - Myles ParrishTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon