Chapter Three

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Kayleb was just falling into bed with two bombshell blonds that were hell bent on tearing his clothes off when his twin sisters voice woke him from his dream.

(Kayleb, where the heck are you? The chief is pissed that you aren't here and we had another attack by that vampire.) Kayleb cursed the telepathic link between immortals and rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he looked around his room. He had decided to stay at the family house and his room here was covered with medals and awards from his time in the military and pictures of all the places he had been in his life.

(Well send out the coroner to collect the dead bodies and leave me alone until you get a lead... As far as the chief goes, tell him to bite my furry ass.) he replied.

(I'll let you share that juicy fantasy with the chief yourself and the victims aren't dead. They are here at the station.) This had Kayleb jumping from his bed and pulling on his jeans and a black t-shirt with a picture of a stripper swinging on a pole and the words 'Support the performing arts" written in big white letters.

(I'm on my way!) he said with excitement as he strapped on his gun and put his necklace with his badge on it around his neck. (Hell sis, this might be the break we've been waiting for!) He jumped into his boots and didn't even take the time to go downstairs and say goodbye to anyone before dashing himself to the police station.

"Damn you, Kayleb!" Barry Hicks, an older officer who was close to retirement exclaimed when Kayleb suddenly appeared in the station and knocked over the stack of files on Barry's desk that the man had just gotten done organizing.

"Sorry about that." Kayleb mumbled and then he practically ran back to Kaylee's desk which sat next to his own.

"Where are they?' he asked. Kaylee rolled her eyes and looked up from the form she was filling out.

"Sleeping downstairs. They had a long night. Since they already know me, I want to stay here so I can sit with the mother while she talks to the sketch artist." she replied. "You need to go to this address and see if he left anything useful behind this time and get some clothes for her and her little girl." Kayleb's face fell.

"I am not some damn errand boy." he grumbled.

"You are now!" Chief Michaels said walking out of his office. "How nice of you to grace us with your presence two hours late."

"Give me the address." Kayleb grumbled and Kaylee smiled brightly and handed it to him.

"Remember to bring them both some clean underwear." she said while fighting back a laugh. Kayleb glared at her and then walked out of the office. He would have to take a squad car to the house since he couldn't dash somewhere he had never been.

He pulled up in front of the house an hour later and climbed out of the car. He smelled the vamp instantly and the scent was strong. He also smelled blood. A lot of blood and it belonged to the vamp as well. Whoever this woman was it sure smelled like she taught the psycho killer a lesson.

He walked through the open door of the blue ranch style home and looked at the blood trail covering the floor. Kayleb didn't have a history of hunting rogues the way his uncle Jake did but he couldn't help but notice how strong the vamps scent was in this house. It smelled like he had been staying here for a long time.

He also felt the wolf in him drawn toward the scent of the woman that lived here though he didn't know why. Maybe it was because she smelled like apples and he was hungry. He shouldn't have skipped breakfast.

He followed the trail of blood on the cream colored carpet down a hallway and into a bedroom. The blood was splattered along the wall here and he knew this must have been where the attack had happened.

Kayleb and Vanessa (5th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now