The Beginning

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The dedication of this book is split several ways. To Morgan. To Alex. To Austin. To Jennifer. To Chelsey. To Stefanie. And to you, if you have stayed with Hatia until the very end.


My last morning at Hogwarts began with a huge commotion in the common room. Most of the school was leaving for the holidays. I decided to say a quick goodbye to Harry before I left. He was standing in the courtyard talking to Ron and Hermione. Hermione was hauling a huge suitcase, so I assumed she was leaving. Harry waved me over when I came into view.

"Hello, Hatia," he said joyfully. I suddenly remembered the events of last night and felt myself begin to blush.

"Hi Harry, Ron, and Hermione," I replied smiling widely. Hermione shot a look to Ron.

"Good morning, Hatia," Hermione said, brightly, "Well, Ron, how about we go.... over there."

Ron raised his eyebrows, "Why? It's not like they're going to be snogging in the middle of the courtyard."


"Alright, alright!" Ron said, walking off with Hermione. Snow was begining to fall slowly. One flake landed on my cheek and I brushed it off.

Harry looked at me with such longing, I had to avert my gaze, "I had a nice time last night."

"Yeah," I said, smiling,"I did too."

Harry looked into my face. His deep emerald eyes met my placid pale green eyes, "You're coming back next year right, after the holidays?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I thought you loved it here," Harry said, grasping my hand, "What'd make you not want to return?"

"Well," I muttered, "My mother was killed directly below us actually. I spent about four months fearing attack. That's not what school's about. I'm not supposed to be terrified all the time. What's more, the Slytherins are so freakin' rude to me, and I'm in their house!"

"But you don't have to be scared anymore," Harry replied, "Vendettie is gone, right? You're safe. And who cares what the Slytherins think? They're mean to me all the time." I still didn't respond, so Harry said, "I don't want to wait all of break, and then be all depressed when you don't come back. I need to know now."

I broke away from his hand hold. "I guess you'll just have to be suprised," I replied, smiling mysteriously. Harry, understanding what I was meaning, returned the smile as I turned and walked away.

Snape was waiting inside the Grand Entrance. He had his traveling cloak wrapped around his head. "Do you still want to stay with me in Spinner's End?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. I was so excited for this. After thirteen years of torture in Mangemort, I could finally have somewhere I could call a home. After a short walk to the end of the grounds, Snape and I Aparrated to Spinner's End.

Spinner's End was a place that Draco would describe as "Muggle Dunghill Central". It was basically a row of Muggle houses lined against a dirty river. The houses were basically squat, brick houses. Snape walked cautiously towards one and jammed a key in. He politely opened the door and allowed me to enter.

"Go on in Hatia," he said. I walked into the living room. It stank of musty books and neglect. You could tell that this house was not usually inhabited. I looked around the room. Books were lined against the wall on all sides. Most of them were aging and bound in ancient black and brown leather. Somehow, the room was so cozy I couldn't help but feel the excitement grow in my stomach. All my life, I haven't really had a home.

"Well," Snape muttered, shutting the door, "It's not much, but it's home."

"I think it's beautiful," I whispered, grinning hugely.

I know it's not over yet. I know that my mother probably will never leave me. My horrible memories of her will never escape my brain. A year ago, if someone would have told me that I would be, going to Hogwarts, dating "The Chosen One", and have my Potions teacher as my biological father, I would have said they were completly mad.

Now, I can actually redeem all those years lost to Mangemort, and I won't be ridiculed for being a unloyal Death Eater. Finally, I can have a real life.

Boy, I can't wait.

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