The Madness Of Pansy Parkinson

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Near noon, I made my way down to the Grand Hall. A massive amount of students were seated around the tables. I could distinctly tell that it was set up by houses. A large concentration of emerald green off to the left side of the hall told me that that's were the Slytherins sat. I plopped myself down a few spaces away from everyone. A familiar blonde head popped up down the table. I began to stir uncomfortably as Draco and two other guys, who appeared very stupid, sat by me on either side, blocking any hope of excape.

"I was telling Crabbe and Goyle here that you hate me now, isn't that right?" Draco said, making me very upset.

"No, you just irritate me," I muttered. Draco leaned in, then let out a belt of laughter. I glared at him. "How was that funny? I thought you hated me."

Draco stopped laughing, and motioned for his cronies to do the same. "I never said that."

"You made that pretty clear in the common room," I said turning to look at his face. Draco looked confused. His usually cold eyes were hazed over with complete stupification.

"Uhhh no," His look of confusion morphed into his usual smirking one. "Actually, you're alot better than some of the annoying twits we have here. Like Potter for example."

"Who the heck is that?" I asked, picking up a sandwich of the table.

The three guys all turned to look at me. Draco raised his eyebrows, "You don't know the 'Famous' Harry Potter?" He said. I could tell by his tone, Harry isn't quite popular with the Slytherins. I shrugged my shoulders. "Consider yourself lucky. Harry is right over there," Draco said in a low voice. He gestured over to the Gryffindor table. Draco pointed to a guy with black hair and green eyes. Harry was talking to a kid with bright red hair. "That guy he's talking to, That's Ron Weasley. He's a bit of a twit as well." Harry then turned to a bushy haired girl who had butted into the two boy's conversation. "Ughhh... Yes, That's Hermione. She's a mudblood." When he said mudblood, I remembered the day when I had pinned him against the fence in Mangemorts. I felt my face grow red, so then I concentrated on eating my sandwich. Suddenly, it felt like someone had a laser set right at my head.

I turned and saw Pansy glaring right at me. Her gaze was so deadly, I flinched. Draco noticed me looking further down the Slytherin table. "Oh, I see you've met Pansy," he said.

I shook my head, "Draco, she threatened to kill me," I murmured, my voice shaking.

Draco's eyes widened, "She's pretty demented. I'm pretty sure she loves me." Draco shuddered, as did I. He let out a sigh. "Well, lunch is over," he announced loudly and stood up. I pulled my schedule out of my robes. I had missed my morning classes, so now I only had a few afternoon classes, Herbology, Astronomy, and Potions.

"Oh hey," Draco exclaimed, looking over my shoulder, "You have all those classes with me!" My heart sank a little. I really didn't want him in all my classes. He patted my back. "C'mon... Let's go to Herbology." And began walking towards the exit. I was picking up my schoolbag when I fel an icy hand on my shoulder.

"Didn't I warn you? You must not learn well," a cold voice whispered in my ear. I whipped my head around to see Pansy Parkinson and her gang of Slytherin girls hovered right next to me.

"Buzz off. I'm supposed to follow Draco to-"

Pansy cut me off, "You'll catch up," she snarled, and I felt myself crumble, "I told you, Keep. Your. Filthy. Hands. Off. Of. Draco, or I'd break your face" She leaned so close I could have counted her teeth, "And I mean't it."

"Seriously, I didn't ask to talk to him," I muttered, picking up my school bag. I probably looked really brave, but on the inside, I was terrified, "Please, let's do this later."

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