Chapter 17

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My eyes widen as I see the circle of shops that surround the small lake that leads into one of Disney's many theme parks, Epcot. I look further down the stream, hoping to catch a glimpse of the park that I hope to visit very soon. Rylan lightly pulls me back to assure that I don't fall on my face. Him and I began to walk around the circle, but my eyes caught onto a giant pirate ship with small children climbing up it. I saw that each and every peson that climbed up the staircase had on a bathing suit. I shifted my head to the right and saw a blocked off section, which I presumed was the swimming area for the guests of the hotel. I wanted to go inside, but technically I couldn't since I wasn't a guest yet. I also noticed that there was a stand where you had to prove that you are a guest and put on a wristband to prove that you didn't break in.

My legs moved on their own accord, with the helping of Rylan pulling me along lightly, we moved to see all the sights. Rylan and I moved in and out of the stores that lined up in a circular way. I was able to buy a few merchandises, but Rylan bought me so much more. I attempted to tell him not to, but he wouldn't listen. After a few stores I realized why he was buying all these items for me, he noticed when I stared to long at one thing and bought it for me. I didn't want to buy it, mostly because it was expensive and I only had a limited amount of money that I can spend.

The last store was awful, not because I didn't buy anything, but that Rylan demanded that I let him buy me one thing, even though everything in the store was about $350 or higher. Personally, that was to expensive for me, especially since I still want to save up for the parks. Although, with the way that Ryaln was spending his money, I doubt that he could afford to get into the cheapest on. So far we had about 5 bags, most likely going on six. Along with the 5 big bags there was on small bag in each of them that contained jewelry. I personally only got one bag, because that was what everything fit into. By the time that Rylan and I get back from vacation I will have an entire new section of my closet to build. I was able to get Rylan to buy some t-shirts and a few shorts that I can't wait for him to wear.

At the last store, I saw these simple, but meaningful necklaces. It was a lock and key set for couples. Both looked almost to be in a bronze tone with a medieval time look. It looked incredible to me and thought that both I and Rylan could wear them, but though better of it. I am still unsure why I didn't buy it, but I doubt that Rylan and I will be making a trip back. I stared at it a little longer before joining Rylan, where he was looking at a pair of earrings that he thought I would like. I didn't give him any indication of what I wanted, yet he still figures out which one I would like the most. We made our way over to the cashier and Ryaln told her what he wanted, then he whispered something in her ear. She nodded and made her way to get out items. Rylan payed with his debit card and we headed out, back into the heat of Florida.

We are currently sitting inside an ESPN restaurant with TVs lining the walls throughout the restaurant. It was basically a typical all American restaurant, but more for the theme to appeal to males. Despite that small detail, it was a very good place. The meals where juicy and tender while the service was great. Rylan and I both finished up with our meals and were waiting for the check to come back.

I stared at Rylan and asked, "How did you. . . How do you expect . . . Where did all that money come from and do you still have any?" I know I might have sounded rude, but I was astonished because everything that was bought today, must have cost at least a small fortune.

Rylan laughed and said, "I was made it a goal to save up half of my money so that I can save it for a rainy day."

"Well today's not a rainy day."

"It rains in my heart because up until now you had to go through misery. I want to give you everything you deserve."

I snorted out a laugh while saying, "You dork. I swear you can be so cheesy, but I don't really deserve much. I'm not special so I really shouldn't be getting so much special treatment." I looked down and the conversation ended there.

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