Chapter 6

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~2 Years Later~

I was shoved into a locker as I pass through the school. I look around, noticing the humans looking at me in disgust and kept whispering, thinking I can't hear them, but the joke is on them. I heard things like she is such a freak or why does she keep coming here, isn't there a place for people like her? Although the worst of all and the one I hear the most, maybe we will get lucky and she can just kill herself already. I heard that at least once a day and learned to hide my emotions. I have grown stronger in not cutting myself, so far I am 5 months without a relapse. I don't feel as down as I, but I still feel the pain.

After I ran away I was out on my own, with nothing, but the items I brought. I made sure to not go on pack territory and to keep away from the humans. I decided that I won't make any drastic decisions before my leg had fully healed, which was about four days after I left. My crutches are abandoned somewhere in the woods, but I didn't care. I contemplated on what to do, but decided to join a local high school. It took a while, but I found one for humans. Since I am such a runt I decided to go there, my low rank and weakness would perfectly blend in, and it did. No one knows a thing and I hope to keep it that way. At first I was a little freaked out, not wanting my location to be alerted if the Alpha was trying to look for me, so I put down a different last name, hopefully to throw him off his tracks. It worked perfectly and now I am a senior at this tiny high school.

I could still feel myself being connected to the Alpha, but it was very weak. It is most likely since I am now a rogue and farther away than I have every been from them. I don't know how far, but I know it is enough to not trace a scent of them from anywhere.

My hopes of the Alpha finding is nonexistent. He shouldn't waste his time with me, but I feel like he will be looking for me for a while, until he can learn to deal with the fact that I am not worth it. He is basically signing up to put a broken china doll back together after falling off of a cliff, being run over by a steam roller, and spat at by onlookers. Although, I can never be too careful with him trying to find me, he might never get over me, which is something that I worry about. Without me to condolence him, he could become insane that could lead him to his downfall, along with the pack's as well. For months I contemplated, debated, even spoke to myself like a crazy person, trying to figure out if I should just go back, but I couldn't. Many reasons came to my head, for one was that I would be extremely embarrassed about my actions. Another is that I wouldn't be fit to rule over so many people. One of the biggest reasons I chose was that everyone would hate me as a leader and never listen to me, unless the Alpha threatened them, which would ultimately make it worse. I want people to respect who I am, not be forced to.

I finally came to the decision to not go back. It would be better to never have a Luna instead of having a horrible unfit one. To him I might mean a lot, but to others, I am the scum that is waiting to be scrapped off. They might realize though that the scum decided to leave before it could get hurt anymore.

I also had some difficulty starting this school. I wanted to at least to try and make some friends, but no one gave me a chance. This was definitely one of the cliché schools that have the dumb jocks, orange-tanned cheerleaders, the Goths, the geeks, the outcasts and so many more. I began with the geeks, hoping to be accepted, but they just ignored me. I went around to almost every table, but the last one was the most offensive and hurtful. I remember it so clearly, and I remember being extremely confident that the outcasts would let me in. I was so stupid for believing in something that could never happen. When I walked over there I saw a bunch of free chairs. I took one a little further from the rest. They didn't seem to notice, until I started to talk. I was curious and wanted to know what they were building, it seemed to be extremely complex and was even harder to describe. I jumped in, asking what it was, and I got the rudest answer of my life. The boy said It is to get people like you away from us, but I guess it didn't work. They got all of there stuff and went to a different table, across the room, making it obvious that I was rejected by the once lowest groups here, but now there is a new one.

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